It was said that it wasn't going to be coming out, but I read somewhere that they won't be making any flash games till April so maybe there might be one...i dunno
yes you can.
You have to play three songs with the purple swirly around a song name and then play the next song that has a swirly around it and he should appear
I guess silver on time wasters gold n song above and under time wasters and then play it =/
oh there are many great games to are a few women's murder club super guitar maniac deluxe 2 bejewled peggle chuzzle cake mania pizza mania so many more way to many to name.
a b up
It is out.
Why dont you finnish it then......
Is that the Milli Vanilli edition?
super crazy guitar maniac deluxe 2 is like guitar hero but with the control pad. there are two sections. ametaur and pro. ametaur is for begginers. pro will have some songs from ametaur but there are more keys you have to focus alot on pro. you can also unlock cool guitars. there is also super crazy guitar maniac deluxe 3 but deluxe 4 is coming soon its a nice game. you can find this game on or enter it on try it
don't press anything through the whole song
yes you can.
start the game put a song then play the game the push the greenguitar button that's all
You have to play three songs with the purple swirly around a song name and then play the next song that has a swirly around it and he should appear
it is coming out in a few months or so i do not know the exact day or month but ya a few months SUCKS! i WANT IT NOW!