No, there isn't. The legendary Pokemon for emerald is raquaza and that's it. when you finish the Pokemon league, you finish the game.
Mystery Gift
Emerald Gardens for sure ;)
Only by a Nintendo event.
There is no town map. You might be referring to the Pokenav, which is Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald's version of the Town Map. You can get it at Rustboro City from the Devon Corporation's President.
The Old Sea Map was an event item that allowed you to access Faraway Island where Mew resides.
In the top left of the map.
i think its in the POKE NAV ;)
Use your map domb ass
Mystery Gift
Emerald Gardens for sure ;)
No you cannot get a second map.
There is no spear pillar that's in emerald
Use the map on your PokeNav (it helps)
In Northen South America
Only by a Nintendo event.
Nowhere.Old sea map is only gift for you.I hear this.
when you have the map talk to the ferry lady and shell take you to the island were you get Mew