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Sonic Boom is the latest Sonic themed TV shows, it began in 2014 and its second and evidently final season began in December 2016 & is set to conclude sometime in 2017.

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Q: Is there a new Sonic TV show coming out?
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Will there be a new season of the tv show Sonic the Hedgehog?

The only new sonic tv show right now is sonic x. there are some channels where they show the original sonic cartoons, but they're not making new seasons. Stinks, doesn't it?

Will there be a new Sonic the Hedgehog show after Sonic X?

A new TV show surrounding Sonic and Co is not impossible, but so far, it's not likely.

What sonic tv show is coming out after sonic x?

none at first it was going to be season 4 of sonic x but not any more

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Sonic X finished, so it will never have new episodes again. However, you can still catch reruns on TV, and watch the show on DVD and

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Sonic Universe is a comic that will not likely be made into a TV show. I don't think that a new Sonic show is being planned anytime soon.

Is sonic x coming out in June 2010?

it already is a TV show called sonic X, i watch it every Saturday morning because that's when its on.

Will there be another sonic tv show?

It is extremely unlikely, however there are rumors of a new Sonic Movie being made

Will Mario have the newest TV show?

Yes, He'll have a new TV show coming soon

Will there be more sonic on tv?

A Sonic TV show, Sonic X, currently airs on The CW on Saturday mornings.

Is Sonic x a game?

No, it is a TV show based on the Sonic games.

Is Sonic boom Tv show famous or Mario .Bros Tv show famous?

Sonic boom because it is more Famous.

Is there gonig to be a new sonic tv show?

Sonic is originatedas a game, but there are 4 TV series about him they are as follows: Sonic The Hedgehog The Adventures of Sonic The Hedgehog Sonic Underground Sonic X