Cruciverbalist can refer to someone who designs or attempts to solve crossword puzzles.
Metre (or meter).
Acronym brain teasers
Dictionary Pen/pencil eraser glasses
- Teacher - Writer - Librarian - Editor - journalist
Online crossword puzzles are offered by most newspaper companies. Newspapers such as the LA Times, NY Times, Washington Post and The Guardian offer their readers a daily crossword puzzle. Other online websites include Crossword Puzzles and Reader's Digest, to name a few.
Use can use your textbook to find the answers for Science crossword puzzles. Look in the chapter that relates to the crossword puzzle or use the vocabulary and other references found at the back of the textbook. You can also try using Science related websites, especially websites that deal with the topic of the crossword puzzle.
a puzzle lover
The only scottish port with 3 letters in AYR. This is a common question found is crossword puzzles.
Another name for imitation gold is gold-filled or gold-plated.
Red Sea peninsula is a popular clue for crossword puzzles. The answer is Sinai. The Sinai Peninsula is located in Egypt and covers a total of 23,000 square miles.
The maiden name of the New York World puzzle editor in 1924 was Margaret Farrar. Margaret Farrar was a pioneer in the world of crossword puzzles and became the first crossword puzzle editor for the New York Times in 1942.
Red Sea peninsula is a popular clue for crossword puzzles. The answer is Sinai. The Sinai Peninsula is located in Egypt and covers a total of 23,000 square miles.