so you have to buy it?
ok umm no
There is no Action Replay code to max happiness in Pokémon Diamond. You can easily max a Pokemon's happiness by feeding it berries and vitamins as well as giving it a soothe ball.
Max Cash code: 94000130 FCFF0000 B2101D40 0000000000000090 000F423F D2000000 00000000
Action Replay Max
there is no cheat
the code is:1134hsbho63ooiklo
Action Replay max
There is no beauty ranking in Pokemon Soul Silver therefore there is no action replay code for max beauty. Pokemon Soul Silver was released in 2010.
the code is: 021A7280 0001869F it works. it was already in the action replay!!
Why don't u look
its 228
so you have to buy it?
You need action replay.There diffrent ones. Action Replay for DSi and Action Replay for DS Go to for the code!
ok umm no
4000 miles