There are some, but I would not recommened getting one because it requires hacking, and that could get you banned. I simply do many games to earn money. Hope this helps😁
Here is a website for the kinzcash cheats enjoy
It is an online store where you can buy specialty items/pets/clothing with real (not kinzcash) money.
The fastest way to get KinzCash is to answer questions at the Quizzy's Question Corner.
A rather large button that, when pushed gives the pusher Kinzcash.
1 billion kinzcash alot huh?
There is no item adder online.
i have 6165 kinzcash
You could get a 1000 kinzcash coin and sell it!
Soda (from the lunch pack in the Kinsville Academy), Toffee 5 kinzcash, chocolate 5 kinzcash, peppermints 5 kinzcash, fudge 7 kinzcash , cream soda 4 kinzcash, potato chips 4 kinzcash, that's all I know
Here is a website for the kinzcash cheats enjoy
It is an online store where you can buy specialty items/pets/clothing with real (not kinzcash) money.
kinzcash, i think you mean. anyway, you can play games at the arcade to earn kinzcash, such as the Wheel of Wow and Wishing Well 2. You can also go to the Curio Shop, find a gem, and sell it for Kinzcash. You can win Kinzcash, as well, by doing the Today's Activities. There is also a section apart of the newspaper that tells you how to get lots of Kinzcash. Just look around and you can find Kinzcash everywhere!
The fastest way to get KinzCash is to answer questions at the Quizzy's Question Corner.
There are NO kinzcash cheats. You must earn it with hard work yourself.
A rather large button that, when pushed gives the pusher Kinzcash.
1 billion kinzcash alot huh?
I would recommend Quizzy's, as it earns 5 KinzCash each time you answer a question correct. And even when you answer a question incorrectly, you still get some KinzCash! Brilliant!