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Q: Is there a items cheat for Pokemon platinum?
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Is there a cheat code to walk through items for Pokemon platinum?

thats only if you have action -replay with the walk through cheat but that cheat is only on pearl

How do you get an action replay in Pokemon Platinum?

Google Pokemon platinum ar cheat then type in what cheat you want.

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how do you get the 999 masterball cheat for Pokemon platinum actionreplay

What is the cheat to get all the Pokemon on Pokemon Platinum?

There is no cheat for catching all the Pokemon on Pokemon platinum. it's all down to hard work and persistence.

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how can i get a level100 palkia in pokemon platinum

Is there a cheat in Pokemon platinum to let Pokemon hold key items?

no at least i havent seen or heard of it i would look for the Pokemon cheats and see if it comes up

How do you get kyogar in Pokemon Platinum?

Migerat it or trade it. You can't use the cheat card on Pokemon platinum.

Pokemon platinum ar code that gets rid of the first Pokemon in your party?

no cheat for platinum

What is the cheat for level101 Pokemon on Pokemon Platinum?

there is not one sorry

Cheat for Celebi in Pokemon platinum?

use the Pokemon modifier

How do you get into a different region on Pokemon platinum using a cheat?

by using a cheat

Pokemon Platinum cheat codes?