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Yes, there is the AO (Adults Only) rating.

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Q: Is there a higher rating than rated M for video games?
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What are the ratings and certificates for The Games - 1970?

The Games - 1970 is rated/received certificates of: UK:U (original rating) UK:PG (video rating) USA:G

Why is transformers1 rated m?

There is no "M" rating for movies, only for video games. Transformers was rated PG-13

How does the age rating of video games impact their accessibility and appeal to different age groups"?

The age rating of video games affects who can access and enjoy them. Younger players may be limited by higher age ratings, while older players may find certain games less appealing if they are rated for younger audiences.

What is The Hunger Games rated by the Canadian Home Video Rating System?

Rated 14A for violence and disturbing content. Not recommended for children.

What is a video game?

A video game is an electronic game in which the gameplay is rendered on a video screen. This includes but is not limited to console games such as the Xbox, PlayStation and Wii as well as computer games. A video game is a form of electronic entertainment that is available for retail or online distribution. Video games are rendered in real time by the console's or computer's Central Processing Unit (CPU). Graphics are managed by the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). Video games that contain images or sounds inappropriate for some audiences are rated PG or higher, the rating will depend upon the country's rating system. G is for General audiences.

What rating applies to a game when there is violence in it?

All video games and apps are rated by the Entertainment Software Ratings Board, also known as the ESRB. Many games containing mild violence will have a rating of T for teen. Games with more intense violence will receive a rating of M for mature audiences. Some games rated for persons 10 and older can contain slight violence as well.

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All the Rivers Run - 1983 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:M (DVD rating) Australia:PG (DVD rating) Australia:M (video rating) Australia:PG (video rating) UK:PG (video rating)

Can children buy M-rated video games in Australia?

Yes, though there is a difference between M-rated games in North America and those in Australia. An M rating in Australia is a recommendation, and corresponds more to a T rating from the ESRB in America. Any video game that would be too inappropriate to sell to anyone under 15 is not sold in Australia at all.

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Cursed - 1990 is rated/received certificates of: Belgium:16 (video rating) Italy:VM14 (video rating)

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Rosie and Jim - 1990 is rated/received certificates of: UK:U (video rating) UK:Uc (video rating)

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Sun on the Stubble - 1996 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:G (video rating) Australia:PG (video rating)

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Nick Jr-'s Play Along - 2003 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:G (video rating) Canada:G (Canadian Home Video rating) Germany:6 (video rating) New Zealand:PG (video rating) UK:U (video rating) USA:TV-Y (TV rating)