

Best Answer

Yes there is because I competed i gym battles but also in contests and won the Grand Festival Cup

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Q: Is there a grand festival in Pokemon diamond the game?
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How do you enter the grand festival in Pokemon diamond the game?


Pokemon Platinum where is the grand festival?

sorry...but there isn't any grand festival in Pokemon platinum,diamond,pearl,ruby,sapphire,or emerald. but if there was a game where you enter contest up to a grand festival i surely would buy it and play it.

On Pokemon Diamond were can you find the Pokemon Ranch?

there isn't a Pokemon ranch on Pokemon diamond, its a complete other game! there isn't a Pokemon ranch on Pokemon diamond, its a complete other game!

How do you get to where you buy Pokemon from the game corner in diamond?

You can not buy Pokemon from the game corner in Pokemon diamond, but you can in heartgold and soulsilver

Where can you buy Diamond version Pokemon?

You can buy Pokemon Diamond at EB games and Game. Any game shop.

Where is Alamos Town in Pokemon Diamond?

Alamos Town does not appear in the Pokemon Diamond version of this game. It is in the movie, but not on this game.

How do you get Poochyena in Pokemon Diamond?

You can get Poochyena into your Pokemon Diamond by migrating it from a Sapphire, Ruby, or Emerald Pokemon game.

What if you get all Pokemon in Pokemon Diamond?

then you beat the game

Is there a game called Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

No. The game you are asking about is actually two games! Yeah. Pokemon Diamond. And Pokemon Pearl. Why do you think they put a slash between the "diamond" and the "pearl"?

Were is regice in Pokemon Diamond?

you have to trade it from a different game, trying ctahing it on Pokemon emerald and migrate it to Pokemon diamond

How do you get Pokemon that you made to the game Pokemon Diamond?

you need another ds and diamond, then trad the Pokemon to pearl. jay17

Is Pokemon Diamond and Pearl game for the Game Boy?
