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Q: Is there a code for lunar horizon wallpaper on animal crossing?
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How do you get the lunar surface on animal crossing for the GameCube?

You get it from Sahara.

Can you drive a lunar rover in Animal Crossing City Folk?

You cannot drive the Lunar Rover in Animal Crossing City Folk. The Lunar Rover is just a piece of furniture, meant for show, and cannot be driven.

How do you get to the moon quickly Animal Crossing?

You can't get to the moon. It's not possible. But I do suggest to get the lunar surface from Sahara, put on a space helmet and pretend you're in space in your house.

Where might one find Eclipse wallpaper for your computer?

There are many companies and websites that have resources for someone looking to get lunar eclipse wallpaper for their computer. Some of these websites are Computer Nexus and NASA.

What would happen if you looked at the sun during a lunar eclipse?

If you can see the Moon during a lunar eclipse, the Sun would usually be below the horizon. Apart from that, there is nothing special about the Sun during a lunar eclipse; looking at the Sun is just as dangerous as at any other time.

What will be the approximate time of landing on the moon?

The Apollo missions were timed so that the sun was at 6 degrees elevation above the lunar horizon. NASA planners felt like this gave the astronauts the best and clearest view of the lunar surface.

A total lunar eclipse cannot be seen by everyone on the night side of the earth?

That is correct. During a total lunar eclipse, only the regions where the moon is above the horizon can witness the event. Areas on the night side of the Earth where the moon is below the horizon will not be able to see the eclipse.

How is the sea rising?

Lunar effects the tide to rise. The moon has its own gravity that rises the sea water. Water sips through the tunnel like holes from horizon to opposite horizon hence collecting more water on the side where the moon is facing.

You are less likely to see a total solar eclipse than a lunar eclipse because?

A solar eclipse can only be seen along a narrow strip of Earth's surface. A lunar eclipse can be seen anywhere where the Moon is above the horizon - i.e., about half of the Earth.

What happens when the earth is blocking the sun?

If the Earth is blocking the Sun from your point of view, it may be behind a mountain - or below the horizon. In the latter case, we say that it is night.

Are there specific days that the moon turns red?

The Moon looks red during a total lunar eclipse. It may also look red when it is close to the horizon, due to atmospheric dust.

What is the Chinese lunar calendar based on the movement of the moon or the sun?

The Chinese lunar calendar is based on the movement of the moon. It follows a 12-year cycle with each year represented by a zodiac animal.