The Xbox 360 does not have cheat codes, so you can't.
no you cant use it on xbox 360 but you can on orignal xbox
There are no cheat codes for Dead Island on the xbox 360. Most cheats which you will find are tutorials on how to get items quickly etc.
sorry but there is no cheat like that on wii version only on xbox,xbox 360,ps2,ps3,pc. and that cheat is HURRIKANE (only on consoles)
Yes. Go to to get them
Kiss him and make him strip
The Xbox 360 does not have cheat codes, so you can't.
It takes 5 times in a row
sims3 is not coming out ps2 but it will on ps3 and xbox 360
no, cheat engine uses xbox can not run .exe programs
Yes it is ,,,, on Ps3 not on ps2 and ps1 but soon it will come in ps2 .. it is also in xbox 360 but i got the newz it wont come on xbox live
There is no cheat for a lambo.
there is no cheat
You can get a a Xbox 360 Xploder cheat disk.
The cheat codes are the exact same.
No it is not.