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Yes there is one but i can't say it works for all of you it is: boolProptestingcheatsenabled ture press enter the shift+N Then it will give u most of the hair styles :) hope it helps XD

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Q: Is there a cheat code to unlock the hairstyles on sims 2 PC?
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You cant unlock it you have to do the first story then you will get the second story.

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The first cheat code is freeall it will allow you to buy all objects for free but when you return theme you will not get anythng for it. The second cheat is sims this will let you unlock play sims mode wth out starting get a life., the third cheat is midas this will unlock every item. Try rhem they really work I used them it was great

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No, there is no cheat code for skills on The Sims 3.

What is a hair cheat for Sims 2 PC?

There is no such thing as a hair cheat. If you want more hairstyles or colors you have to download them.

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use the cheat code . x , up x down x

Is there a code to get realistic hairstyles in Sims 2?

No.But if you how to create HAIRSTYLES in Sims 2,you can use PHOTOSHOP [or any other amazing program] to make the hairstyles look more realistic. But it`s easier to download them from sites.

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1 cheat code is "motherlode" for $50,000

When do you type the triplet cheat code in on sims 2?

There is no triplet cheat code. The twins cheat code is "forcetwins".