To offset the cost in credits for Early Access (500 credits), the completion of Counterfeit Island during the Early Access period awarded 200 credits rather than the usual 100.
You have to get a balloon.
you just jump on them
Click PRINT.
The theme of Counterfeit Island is famous artwork. Someone is trying to steal famous paintings from the island museums. The police are trying to recover the lost items, and you are trying to help. (see related question)
At the clown store. ;)
Counterfeit IslandNo, Counterfeit Island is real. In fact, it'd be better named as "Art Island".
You do not die on Counterfeit Island.
there is no mansion on counterfeit island
There is no camera as an item on Counterfeit Island.
You will have to swim for it : the lighthouse is on Big Nate Island, not Counterfeit Island.
Reality TV still alive?In e-mails announcing the opening of Counterfeit Island, Poptropica said that Reality TV Island was still under development, so expect it to be released eventually. They have not definitely scheduled it as the next island.
you go back on counterfeit island
Yes. Counterfeit Island was the tenth, and Reality TV is the eleventh.
the curator isn't on counterfeit island... shes in early poptropica...
There are no snowballs on Counterfeit Island. (see the related question)
it is in the underground at counterfeit
There is no safe on Counterfeit Island. There is an underground hatch that has a Dragon Face lock on it.