Call of Duty Black Ops is rated M for Mature.
google: black ops wii game id, then watch the first video
Call of duty black ops or call of duty modern warfare 2 OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)
Call of Duty Black ops is officially rated M for mature. It is not designed to be a game for children. However, many user reviews seem to place the age rating as appropriate for most 12- to 13-year-olds.
No, you both need the game.
he game is rated T for Teen
No. M.
rated t for teen
depends where and on what game Nintendo DS is teen Australia is 15+, but most are 17 or higher because it is an adult game
No The Nintendo DS is Black Ops is Teen and rated an even lower age than 15. You do not change the games rating by making changes at the options menu even if it removes the content that made the game rated M or Mature. The rating and the game are still rated M
It is rated Teen for multiplayer. I let my kids play, but no campaign for them. Hope this helped :)
Black ops
Good game kid friendly
The game is rated M mature for Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Strong Language for most platforms / The Nintendo DS Call of Duty Black Ops is rated T for Teen. But on an xbox or ps3 system, if you turn off the blood, gore, and language it does not change the rating of the game and should not be considered to change the game to a lower rating. It also does not lower the level of intense violence. It is a myth created by younger players that it becomes a teen rated game. An 18 The game's rating is also 9.5 for the Gamestop rating for PS3 and Xbox 360 systems and the PC rating is much lower.
The Call of Duty Black Ops video game was not released for the PSP or PSP Go
yes i think it is all right if your younger than seventeen to play black ops but it still has a lot of blood and gore however i think black ops should be rated ''t'' for teen
Nintendo DS is only rated teen and does not have the Strong language the other editions do.