Your best bet would be to use the "all Pokemon shiny" code for your game then go fishing in the Resort Area for the level 100 Magikarp that can be caught there.
In Platinum, that is.
A yellow Magikarp is a "shiny" Magikarp. The odds of finding any Shiny Pokemon is 1 in 8,192. Unless you use an Action Replay code, it will be VERY difficult to find one.
yes you can get shiny Pokemon with action replay
There are codes for some stuff and there is a code for finding shiny Pokemon in the grass withought using the pokeradar but idk the code
You have to keep the action replay code all shiny Pokemon activated or else you can not keep youre shiny Pokemon. You have to keep the action replay code all shiny Pokemon activated or else you can not keep youre shiny Pokemon.
You can get a shiny victini by using the action replay's Pokemon modifier by selecting him from a list of Pokemon names and then you enable the shiny wild Pokemon code. And you can choose your own level from the level modifier.
action replay
Put a shiny code in your action replay and they will all be red OR get a magikarp without action replay and hatch it's eggs and hope for shiny! Level it to Gyrados.
A yellow Magikarp is a "shiny" Magikarp. The odds of finding any Shiny Pokemon is 1 in 8,192. Unless you use an Action Replay code, it will be VERY difficult to find one.
with an action replay DS
same lvl as a normal magikarp 20 and the shiny magikarp evolves into a red gyrados
The action replay code for shiny level 100 is 00000000 00000000 8593859B. Level 100 shiny appears in Pokémon Soul Silver.
You either trade from soul silver or heart gold, use a action replay to make encounters shiny, catch a shiny magikarp legit(which might take a while)
Yes. If you fish in the Resort Area with the Super Rod in Pokémon Platinum Magikarp between levels 1 and 100 appear.
they stay shiny
It is rare to find without action replay, but if you go to the mansion below Hearthome use action replay shiny Pokemon and you'll see shiny pikachu level 20. If you don't have action replay, try either the mansion or a Honey Tree. I found shiny pikachu Lv 23 in a honey tree.
with action replay or luck
u cant u can only get a shiny jirachi with action replay or gameshark