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Sadly, no. There is something like 93 TMs and more than 1000 moves in all. And you have the 8 HMs, which you can count as more TMs. So there is around 101 TMs + HMs total.

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Q: Is there a TM for every Pokemon move?
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What you can do with TM dig in pearl version?

Just like every other TM or HM. Just give it to a pokemon that can learn that move.

Where do you get the TM zen-headbutt on Pokemon diamond?

Zen-Headbutt is not a TM, but its is a move that some Pokemon learn naturally. This move can also be trained by a move trainer for heart scales to your Pokemon.

What is TM24?

In every Pokemon game so far, TM 24 contains the move thunderbolt

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Mean look is a move in the Pokemon series of games. It is not possible to get the move as a TM in Pokemon Crystal.

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In Pokemon Diamond the TM 90 is the move substitute.

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Which TM is splash?

there are TM's for every Pokemon move exept splash from what i know...but i probably wouldent want it any way because it does absolutly nothing

What are Pokemon TM?

TM stands for "Technical Machine." They are used to manually teach a Pokemon a move, provided that it is able to learn that move.

What is TM 8 in Pokemon Silver?

the tm 8 is the move Headbutt it is a normal type move.

Pokemon pearl how do you get the TM fissure?

You cannot get the TM Fissure in Pokemon Pearl. Fissure hasn't been a TM move since Pokemon Red and Blue.

Where is the TM sing in Pokemon pearl?

There is no TM for Sing, sing is only a leveling move (or egg move)