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well no, but if you buy the xbox verson you can play it for the Xbox 360

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Q: Is there a Star Wars battlefront 2 for xbox 360?
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Can you play Star Wars battlefront 2 on xbox 360?

No, only the original Xbox can play Star Wars BattleFront 2.

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Which consoles is Star Wars Battlefront on?

PS2, Xbox 360, Gamecube, PC

Does star wars battlefront 2 work on xbox 360?

Yes, I'm pretty sure you can.

Is there going to be a Star Wars Battlefront 3 for the PS2?

Yes, there is going to be a Star Wars Battlefront 3, but unfortunatly, it will only be for the PS3, XBOX 360, and a few other systems, but not the PS2.

Can you use the Xbox cheats for Star Wars Battlefront 2 on the Xbox 360?

I'm pretty sure if the game is for the original Xbox then yes they will work.

Can Star Wars Battlefront 2 go into xbox360?

Well if Xbox 360 consoles are compatible with games for the original Xbox, then I imagine so.

How can you play Star Wars Battlefront 2 on Xbox 360?

Well first of all you have to have Star Wars Battlefront2 for the origional Xbox and you have to have an xbox 360 with a hard drive of 60 or more Gigs and then it will play on your Xbox 360 console and other rigional xbox games will also play on your xbox 360 console when you have a 60 or more gig hard drive

Why can't i use the award weapons on Star Wars Battlefront 2 on the Xbox 360?

Maybe download the weapons again?

Can you play Star Wars Battlefront 2 for Xbox on Xbox 360?

Here is the Full list of Backward COmpatible Xbox games- and yes battlefront 2 is backward compatible

Can you play Xbox games in Xbox 360?

Yes But not ALL Of them It's Called Backwards Compatabilty. Some Like Star wars Battlefront II And Stuff Like that.

Is there a way to download add-ons for Star Wars Battlefront 2 on your xbox 360?

This game is a Xbox original game and therefore cannot get any add-ons.