First download Visual Boy Advance for mac,( it will let you play the game) then type in Pokemon Emerald Rom in google, and download it from
Go to the bike store in Mauvile city
you download the randomizer, download an emerald ROM and an GBA emulator for mac, then you run the randomizer and go to File, Open, then select the emerald ROM, set the settings you want, and then file, save as. Play the new ROM you made with your emulator and you'll be good to go.
thou shalt not trade pokemon on a mac the 50000012361th commandment or in other wordds you cant
First download Visual Boy Advance for mac,( it will let you play the game) then type in Pokemon Emerald Rom in google, and download it from
Go to the bike store in Mauvile city
Well, currently there are no tools for mac, but there are some ways to make a hack on mac. -------------------------------------- First, you need VisualBoyAdvance as an emulator works for both. Next, get Darwin, Wine, or Crossover to emulate a PC for those programs. Note: Certain applications will work fully like AdvanceMap. etc, but some will not work. You can find Pokemon hacking tools on Pokecommunity's Rom Hacking forum, under Toolbox. You can also run a Virtual Machine on your mac. ------------------------------------- If you are a complete newbie at Pokemon ROM Hacking, I suggest you go find a good tutorial. Good Luck!
Visit the website or see related links for the URL.
you download the randomizer, download an emerald ROM and an GBA emulator for mac, then you run the randomizer and go to File, Open, then select the emerald ROM, set the settings you want, and then file, save as. Play the new ROM you made with your emulator and you'll be good to go.
No advance text Pokémon does not run on Mac. Visual Boy advance and Mac Boy advance are good emulators for Mac.
Your mac may not be working correctly but i am also annoyed at this because mac is meant to be so good as i was told but haven't seen any benefit from switching from my windows PC.You only go to safari or firefox type in download visual gameboy for mac.Then download.then download Pokemon emerald then catch any Pokemon you want you just can't save. You could only save on desmume no where else.go to cold roms it is better.
it doesnt matter wether or not you have a mac or Microsoft, when you download the Microsoft thing on a mac to play online games that need Microsoft software just use game shark codes on the emulator the link is here
The Finder is the program that is automatically launched when a Mac is turned on.
No, they are not compatible operating systems. You need a mac version of the program.
This is a hacking technique where one can change the MAC address of a device to a different one. The main advantage is a computer can be made invisible in a network.