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psp go plays the same games as psp, just downloaded instead of purchased at stores.

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Q: Is there a PSP go Naruto game?
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Does Naruto have a game out on psp?

yes. the name of naruto game is naruto ultimate ninja heroes

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It is not a PSP game and will not be released as such

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Naruto Shippuden:Path of the Pain

When will Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm come out for psp?

It is not a PSP game, and will not be released as one.

What is the newset Naruto game?

naruto shippuden ultimate ninja heroes 3 for psp

Is Naruto accel 3 coming out on psp or ps3 or ps2?

It is a Japanese PSP game and the full title is Naruto Shippuden Narutimate Accel 3

Are there Naruto games for the PSP go?

The psp go plays the same games as the psp, but instead you have to sownload them instead of buying them from the stores.

Where can you download Naruto shippuden legends akatshuki raising?

if you want the psp one then go to psp isoz