

Best Answer

No, but there's one for Pokemon ground.

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Q: Is there a HP cheat for Pokemon sky?
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There is a Hp limit for a Pokemon if you are talking about games. Without cheat, you can't have undead Pokemon

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Yes Yes Yes

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you can't unless you have a cheat for it

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YesYou Can Get Shaymin Sky Form In Pokemon Platinum With A Cheat Code That Is A Special Flower.

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Wish i could help...Just search a pokemon emerald cheat coz it also work on flora sky. Im pretty sure you won't exert effort in finding pokemon emerald cheat codes.

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15346789452365gew4[have to beat game]

How much hp dose Palkia in Pokemon sky?

um... i think 97? ]

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Pokemon Diamond Action Replay Cheat for 999 hp ups?

i dont know but look up 999 hp ups on google

How do you use cheats of flora sky?

Wish i could help...Just search a pokemon emerald cheat coz it also work on flora sky. Im pretty sure you won't exert effort in finding pokemon emerald cheat codes.

What are some cheat codes for Pokemon mystery dungeons explorers of sky?

chocolate= game curruption:)