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No. The word begin is a verb.

"Begin" has three consonant letters and two vowels.

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Q: Is the word begin a consonant?
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The word "the" is pronounced as "thuh" before words that begin with a consonant sound, and as "thee" before words that begin with a vowel sound.

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A beginning consonant means the beginning of a word. A beginning consonant means the beginning of a word.

What two states begin with 2 consonant letters?

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You use the article a when followed by a word that starts with a consonant. You use an as an article followed by a word which starts with a vowel.1) Your mother is a funny woman.2) An octopus is an interesting animal.

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You may be thinking of a double consonant. A consonant is a letter of the alphabet that is not a vowel. A double consonant is when a word that has two of the same consonant together in the word, such as little or happy, or even Mississippi.

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