The Super Rod is the best rod in all of the games. It allows you to catch semi-rare water-type Pokemon, as well as Gyarados.
One of the posible answers is fire type pokemon. Fighting type is super effective
Ground type moves, rock type moves and water type moves are super-effective against fire type pokemon.
Fire type is super afective, Water is also very good.
A good name for a fire type Pokemon is Explosion or blaze.
Generally, Fire-type Pokémon are not good against Fighting-type Pokémon. Find a Fire-type Pokémon that can learn Ground- or Psychic-type moves, such as Earthquake or Psychic, since those are super effective on Fighting-type Pokémon.
One of the posible answers is fire type pokemon. Fighting type is super effective
The fire type is not super-effective, not very effective or ineffective against the psychic type. Fire type moves deal unmodified damage to psychic type pokemon.
Ground type moves, rock type moves and water type moves are super-effective against fire type pokemon.
Fire and fighting type moves are super effective against Ice type pokemon.
mostly electric and ice and rock but fire is good too
Poison is doubly super effective. I think fire is also
Fire type is super afective, Water is also very good.
Pokemon ruby is better. i have both the games and ruby is the better out of the two so you should play ruby. Pokemon fire red is good but ruby wins my vote i think that Pokemon fire red is better personally so i would go with fire red but its ur decision Neither go old school and get Pokemon blue,yellow, or red
the best fire Pokemon in pearl version is chimchar ,monferno , and infernapeHeatron is also a good fire Pokemon
A good name for a fire type Pokemon is Explosion or blaze.
Charizard is good but not as good as moltras but rapidash is fast and good for fire blast
I think fire and flying are good against nature type pokemon!!