this is not really a sims game but sims city is YES 100% THERE IS A GAME THAT IS RATED E SIMS 2 IS RATED E BUT IT WILL BE MORE APPROPRIATE FOR AGES 10 AND UP BUT YOUNG KIDS CAN HAVE SIMS 2........... ENJOY.................
no you can not have kids on my sims for ds.
You cannot have kids on the Sims 2 Ps2 ( PlayStation 2), But you can have kids on The Sims 2 PC. To Have kids on the sims 2 you have to get 2 sims that are in love and press on a bed and select relax for both sims. Then once relaxing press on the other sim that is relaxing and press try for baby.
no, your sims can't get married and they can't have kids on the DS version. it sucks, i wish you could.
Get the sims to WOoHoo
Rated T for Teen:Crude HumorSexual ThemesViolenceYou decide.
You can't because its rated E for everyone and it won't be appropriate for kids.
this is not really a sims game but sims city is YES 100% THERE IS A GAME THAT IS RATED E SIMS 2 IS RATED E BUT IT WILL BE MORE APPROPRIATE FOR AGES 10 AND UP BUT YOUNG KIDS CAN HAVE SIMS 2........... ENJOY.................
No, My Sims is made for kids. How would they look if small kiddy sims could have kids?
no you can not have kids on my sims for ds.
No, but there is Sims 3 Ambitions you can have kids!
Yes, Molly Sims has 3 kids.
No in the sims 1, sims do not age. They do in the sims 2. So kids will not become teens or adults in sims 1. No in the sims 1, sims do not age. They do in the sims 2. So kids will not become teens or adults in sims 1.
Well of course you can! You can have kids in any of the sims. I have the sims 2 pets and yes you can. Well of course you can! You can have kids in any of the sims. I have the sims 2 pets and yes you can.
no, you can't have kids on the sims 2 for playstation.
yes you can you can have kids on any of the sims games.