yeah it's pretty much free. Buying gold to get some of the bonus features however, will cost you some cash but you don't need to buy it. many people are successful without it.
Additional Info The game should be free and should be able to play directly on a browser like travian. Need ur help!! :-S
Its me
Its me
- Candycrush - Minecraft Classic - Ikariam - Travian - Last Stand: Union City Try looking on flash game websites such as Kongregate.
Additional Info The game should be free and should be able to play directly on a browser like travian. Need ur help!! :-S
Its me
Its me
Travian is an internet game played entirely in a web browser(i.e. Internet Explorer,
- Candycrush - Minecraft Classic - Ikariam - Travian - Last Stand: Union City Try looking on flash game websites such as Kongregate. a Javascript based online game
Travian is an online browser game wherein the player takes on the role of a Roman, a Gaul, or a Teuton, and starts as a village chief and tries to build the village as large as they can.
Trying not to be biased I would say Travian as it is simpler and easier to play which makes the game generally more fun.
Travian is an online multi-player strategy game. It is developed by a German company to be played within modern internet browsers and has over 5 million players.
You can not delete a travian game completely. You can however delete your account, you can do that by going to your profile, click on account and scroll down. Follow the instructions and wait 72 hours.