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the fighters torso is a reward from the barbarian assault mini game AKA free it has similar def stats to a rune plate but gives a str bonus in my opinion yes it is better.

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Q: Is the fighter torso better then a dragon chain?
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Which is better fighter torso or dragon plate?


Fighter torso or dragon platebody or bandos chestplate?

Well, its up to you, some people might be rich enough for the Bandos Chestplate and Dragon Platebody but some people might have enough skill to get the Fighter Torso, here is the order you would get them in: IF YOU ARE RICH 1. Bandos Chestplate 2. Dragon Plate 3. Fighter Torso IF YOU ARE NOT RICH 1. Fighter Torso 2. Dragon Platebody 1. Bandos BEST OVERALL 1 Bandos Chestplate 2 Dragon Platebody 3 Fighter Torso Most people that have owned all three armours would choose Bandos Chestplate as the best armour because because the armour has good defense and attack compared to the Fighter Torso and Dragon Platebody. Second best would probably be the Dragon Platebody because it's defense bonuses are far superior then that of the Fighter Torso. Third would be the Fighter Torso only because it can't fit into the category of the high end armours such as 3rd Age Platebody, Bandos Chestplate and Dragon Platebody. But the Fighter Torso overall can only compete with the Dragon Chainbody.

What are the highest bonuses in RuneScape?

Strength?Helm- Helmet of Neitiznot/ Berserker Helmet= +3Cape- Firecape................................… +4Amulet- Amulet of strength.........................= +10Body- Bandos Chestplate/ Fighter Torso......= +4Legs- Bandos Tassets................................= +2Gloves- Barrows gloves (from RFD).............= +12Boots- Dragon boots...................................… +4Ring- Berserker ring (i)................................= +8Weapon- Godsword (any)............................= +132Total strength bonus...................................… +179,

How do you change torso colour on Lego marvel avengers?

If you want to change the colour of a torso then I am the help.First select your desired torso then select the solid colour torso (any colour) and there you go your torso colour has been changed.

What are some body parts that starts with a t?

Thumb Torso

Related questions

Which is better fighter torso or dragon plate?


Fighter torso or dragon platebody or bandos chestplate?

Well, its up to you, some people might be rich enough for the Bandos Chestplate and Dragon Platebody but some people might have enough skill to get the Fighter Torso, here is the order you would get them in: IF YOU ARE RICH 1. Bandos Chestplate 2. Dragon Plate 3. Fighter Torso IF YOU ARE NOT RICH 1. Fighter Torso 2. Dragon Platebody 1. Bandos BEST OVERALL 1 Bandos Chestplate 2 Dragon Platebody 3 Fighter Torso Most people that have owned all three armours would choose Bandos Chestplate as the best armour because because the armour has good defense and attack compared to the Fighter Torso and Dragon Platebody. Second best would probably be the Dragon Platebody because it's defense bonuses are far superior then that of the Fighter Torso. Third would be the Fighter Torso only because it can't fit into the category of the high end armours such as 3rd Age Platebody, Bandos Chestplate and Dragon Platebody. But the Fighter Torso overall can only compete with the Dragon Chainbody.

Would you rather wear full dragon and have a SS or fighter torso and BGS?

fighter torso and bgs, ss fails and full dragon....well maybe but without the ugly med helm

How long does it take to get a fighter torso?

2 days

What gives strength boost besides amulets in runescape f2p?

Fighter's torso, Obby shield's or rune defenders, berserker helmets, Berserker ring's, dragon or rune boots.

What should you use instead of dragon platebody or chainbody?

Dragon plate body and chain body are both pretty expensive pieces of armor but a good idem is fighters torso i know your thinking you have to do some dumb mini-game but the torso is very good it is better than a rune platebody and is the only plantebody that gives a strength bounes other than bandos platebody which costs around 20M-26M

What is the best armour set-up to use with a dragon dagger in runescape?

For the original use fighter torso available at pest control a rune defender a helm of neitznot and last but not least rune pl legs!

What is the best armour and weapon you can have on rune scape if you have 80 strength 80 attack and 80 defence?

the best strength bonus armour for you would be, rune defender, dragon battleaxe or abyssal whip, helm of neitiznot or berserker helm, dragon boots, barrows gloves, amulet of strength but amulet of fury gives more bonus at the cost of -2 compared to the amulet of strength, berserker ring, fire cape if you can get one, bandos chestplate or fighter torso if you can afford a bandos chestplate it has better defence bonus but same strength bonus as fighter torso and bandos tassets for the leg slot. that would be the best strength bonus for your level there are actually better weapons for people with LARGE amounts of money. like the godswords. but the cheapest one is something like 39m i believe

What is the code for Fighter Torso For Frugooscape?

It is not all that clear wat it is so i reccommend asking other players...

I have a short torso how can i be a better belly dancer?

Doing exercises to strengthen the abs and hips will help someone with a short torso become a better belly dancer.

How do you get a fighter torso in runescape?

Fighter torsos are obtained from the Barbarian Assault minigame. You will need 375 in each of the four roles; Attacker, Defender, Healer and Collector. Easily obtained in two days.

What are a dragon's body parts?

A dragon has several body parts. The dragons body parts are the head, neck, wings, tail, paws, legs, front, hind, and torso.