The cave of ordeals is a side quest. Every certain amount of levels you will encounter a faerie who will stock the light guardians ponds with faeries. Then at the bottom a faerie will give you a vial of faerie tears which will fill your life completely full and increase your power.
Simply by defeating all monsters in all 50 floors. No time limit. No restrictions or conditions. Just fight, fight(use a potion if you want) and fight some more. It's easier on Wii (in my opinion) than on Gamecube so all gamecubers watch your step carefully. Use a variety of techniques and make sure that you have finished the "City in the sky" before attempting to defeat the Cave of Ordeals because you neeed all dungeon items to go through the 50 floors.
I believe you mean gible and if so, it is in Wayward cave. Wayward cave is under cyclying road by cutting the trees at the end of cycling road. and very IMPORTANT: youll see a cave entrance to wayward cave. DO NOT GO IN THERE! instead go under the bridge where you cant see anything under it and walk into the wall that you cant see. If you cant find the cave entrance then try different places under the bridge. sorry if I am complicating you.
there is no cave
Depends on which cave you're talking about:victory road,wellspring cave,chargestone cave,giant chasm,all those,relic that's not a cave.
Cliff Cave is near Cianwood City. Just go in the cave you see and you'll be in Cliff Cave. When you pass through Route 47, and see many Cave entrances, that will also be considered Cliff Cave.
The cave of ordeals is in the gurudo desert. You find part of the brige of eldin there. Talk to midna to warp it to the brige and come back. there will be a hole. that is the cave.
No the cave of ordeals is completely independent of the main story and does not need to be completed to complete the game
cave of ordeals and city in the sky and hyrule castle
you get out of your mom's basement with your DS and play outside...
I dont think there is cave of ordeals in Pokemon Fire Red.But i always thought mew was a obtainable pokemon at first...
There are in three City in the Sky, two in the Cave of Ordeals, and one in Hyrule Castle.
to the gerudo dessert blocking the cave of ordeals so go get to the desserts 4th temple
You get a bottle Great Fairy's Tears. The Fairy Queen also releases fairies into all of the springs.
the kind of ordeals is aunt jennifer surrounded by the dominating nature of her husband that she was clashed of the ordeals.
he think that the ordeals need it to get job.
theres forest,fire,water,sand,snow,time,sky,hyrule castle and if you do a side quest the cave of ordeals Very Hard
Once you get to the Gerudo Mesa (and after a cutscene with Midna) you can look to see a sotne pillar rising up from a hill in the distance (I think it's west in the gamecube, and east in the Wii). If you run to that place, you will see it is the missing piece from the Bridge of Eldin. Once you defeat the shadow creatures and create a warp point, you can warp that bridge back to its proper place, completing two things: restoring the bridge, and revealing a hole in the hill. That hole leads down into the Cave of Ordeals.