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It depends. I see boys with a burgundy DSi XL often. I seldom see boys with a bronze DSi XL, and not so much blue. I don't know. Maybe it's for both. My friend is a boy, and he has a burgundy DSi XL.

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Q: Is the burgundy dsi XL color for girls?
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Which color should i get a blue dsi XL or a burgundy dsi XL?

Frickin' BLUE!!!!!!! XD

Should you get the burgundy dsi XL or the blue dsi XL?

it really does not matter. same hardware and everything. just color. i choose the burgundy.

Is the dsi XL color burgundy better for girls than boys?

yup it is. im a girl and i have this color dsi XL. i just cant see a boy holdin a pinkish-like dsi XL in their hands. boys should probably get the bronze one or wait for the blue one.

Should you get the bronze or burgundy dsi XL?

I would go with the burgundy because it's more colorful.

What colors does the dsi XL come in?

Burgundy, Midnight Blue, and Bronze

What dsi XL colors can be bought in the US?

It is available in Midnight Blue, Burgundy, and Bronze.

Does the color of your dsi XL matter?


Should you get the dsi XL color bronze or burgundy?

i think that the dsxl is awesome because it is a biger screen and yo u can go on the iinternet with it i have one and i now what im talking about:(

What case can you get for the DSI XL?

The DSi XL Traveler's Case. You can get it at Gamestop or Target for only $14.99. They have three colors: burgundy, black, and silver. It holds the DSi XL, 8 Nintendo DS games (plus one in the DSi XL game card slot, so really 9 game cards), the DSi XL pen-sized stylus, and you can make a little room for some headphones if you want to. I have this case and the DSi XL fits perfectly in it. I highly recommended it!

What colors do the Nintendo DSi XL come in?

Burgundy, red wine, bronze,black, at least those are the colors i know

Does the Nintendo DSi charger fit the Nintendo DSi XL?

yes a dsi charger fits a dsi XL and a dsi XL fits the dsi

How much is the DSi and the DSi XL?

UK: DSi - £129.99 Dsi XL - £169.99 - £189.00 US: DSi - (approx) $149.99 DSi XL - $189.99