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No, Lavender Town Syndrome is not real. It is just an urban legend.

The legend goes that the pitch of the original Lavender Town theme song causes headaches, mental disturbance, and suicide in children. This is a sample of the urban legend:

Lavender Town Syndrome (LTS) is in fact an actual psychological effect caused layered tones within the Lavender Town theme of the first version of Red and Green that was released in Japan. The theme was dithered slightly for the American release.

The multi-tonal sounds from the Lavender Town theme, is actually two layered MIDI sequence tracks. One for the left and the right ear. The tones in the song alternate through sub-sonic, sonic, and super-sonic frequencies. People of different age groups can hear them. Most commonly only those ages 7-12 are affected by the syndrome. It can cause migraine like headaches in children. Which by the way would be difficult for them to handle. Making them stumble, bang their head etc... but because they are children, they kept playing the game. Effectually, it led to 4 deaths in children wearing headphones for an extended period of time (Hours). These deaths were caused by brain swelling, a heart attack, and two pain induced suicides. Quick action by Nintendo Corp. and Game Freak got the product recalled within hours of the news. They dithered the track making it single toned. The problems caused by an unexpected physiological effect have not occurred since. Although it is true that the theme song was changed between the Japanese and American release, it was not because of mental disturbance or headaches, and no one can get sick or die because of hearing music in a Pokemon game.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 4d ago

Oh honey, Lavender Town Syndrome is as real as a bad dye job. It's just an urban legend that spread faster than gossip at a bingo night. So, put on your big girl pants and rest easy knowing you won't be haunted by some spooky Pokemon music.

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βˆ™ 1w ago

The Lavender Town Syndrome is an urban legend stemming from a creepypasta story about a high-pitched tone in the Lavender Town theme music causing negative psychological effects in children. There is no scientific evidence to support the existence of such a phenomenon. The story likely gained traction due to the eerie nature of the Lavender Town theme and the popularity of urban legends in internet culture.

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  • yes, Lavender Town Syndrome is real, according to the authorities, on february 1996, they reported in Japan that more than 100 japanese children died causing suicide in the game pokemon red blue and green. This causes nausea, nosebleeds, anger, anxiety, and even suicide.
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