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It isn't bad for you. but it will brick your Wii if Nintendo finds out you have it.

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Q: Is the Homebrew channel safe
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You had homebrew channel 4.2 and you deleted it from your wii because you got bored with it First you deleted homebrew channel then you unistalled divx and your Wii safe from bricking now.?

No, if you uninstalled the Homebrew Channel and BootMii, there is very little that can help you if the Wii bricks due to a "full brick" from an update, etc. except for sending it in to Nintendo. Uninstalling the Homebrew Channel and BootMii will not brick your Wii, however.

Do you have to pay for the Homebrew Channel on the Wii?

No, the Homebrew Channel is free. If you did pay, you were scammed.

What is homebrew channel all about?

To my knowledge, homebrew is a channel you can get that lets you make texture hacks.

Do you have to download the Homebrew channel on a computer?

No, you can run it on any system that has a Homebrew channel from a site or download.

How do you get the Homebrew Channel for the Wii?

On your PC (or Mac), go to and click on "Homebrew Setup." Read the instructions there. Wiibrew is the official wiki for the Homebrew Channel.

How do you convince your dad that the Wii Homebrew Channel is Safe?

Install it without his permissions and place it on the last page :D

How do you download the homebrew channel for wii?

On your PC (or Mac), go to and click on "Homebrew Setup." Read the instructions there. Wiibrew is the official wiki for the Homebrew Channel.

How to get homebrew channel?

Download it

Homebrew Channel - I have it installed but all I see is a banner and bubbles so what should I do next?

This means that the Homebrew Channel is working.You have a few options:# Upload a homebrew application or game via WiFi to your Wii which will be booted by the Homebrew channel # Put homebrew applications or games onto a SD Card. The directory you make on the SD Card must follow the Homebrew Channel protocol (check out the Wiibrew Link).Then reload the Homebrew Channel. If you have properly installed an application onto your SD card, you will see it listed on your screen.----

Can you be arrested for downloading the homebrew channel?


What is the Wii Homebrew Channel?

The Homebrew Channel is a Wii channel used to launch homebrew apps on your wii... basicly you get this then the homebrew browser then download wat u want... emulators... music... codes... i hav the hbc and its cool... people say its illegal but its not... so dont let tht get u.... its free and easy to use channel

Is changing the IOS on the Wii Safe?

Dunno if it's perfectly safe, but if it is for softmodding the Wii (to add the Homebrew Channel and stuff), many people do it and still have a playable Wii