Swablu isn't a very good pokemon until you evolve it into Altaria. Altaria is both Flying and Dragon (I believe) so it's a amazing pokemon to have on your team. I would recommend it completely.
Swablu evolves into Altaria at level 35.
Swablu is unobtainable in FireRed and LeafGreen; the only way to get it is to trade from Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Colosseum, or XD after obtaining the National Dex. You can trade a Swablu Egg or trade an Altaria and breed it if you want a Swablu with your trainer ID, but you can only find wild Swablu in other games.
Swablu evolves into Altaria at level 35.lvl 35.
Swablu evolves into Alteria at level 35.
Swablu evolves at level 35 into altaria.
Swablu evolves into Altaria at Lv. 25
Swablu isn't found in this game.
Swablu is a Normal and Flying type pokemon.
Swablu evolves into Altaria at level 35.
a place with strong Pokemon
Swablu evolves into Altaria at level 35.
Swablu is unobtainable in FireRed and LeafGreen; the only way to get it is to trade from Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Colosseum, or XD after obtaining the National Dex. You can trade a Swablu Egg or trade an Altaria and breed it if you want a Swablu with your trainer ID, but you can only find wild Swablu in other games.
Swablu evolved into a Altaria at level 35.
Swablu evolves into Altaria at level 35.lvl 35.
Swablu evolves into Alteria at level 35.
Swablu evolves at level 35 into altaria.
Swablu is a third generation pokèmon and so isn't in Silver.