No, it's only on Nintendo systems, the original SSB is on Nintendo 64, Melee on GameCube, Brawl on Wii.
No there is not
Super Smash Bros. Brawl is only available for the Nintendo Wii.
Currently, there is no Super Mario for PS2 because it is not a Nintendo console, unlike Wii. There probably won't be a Mario game for any other consoles either in the near future, but then, you never know.
play in normal mode
r1 and r3
There is no evil glove.
I'm sorry you can't without hacks.
No it is a Nintendo Wii game and a Nintendo 64 game
There is an adventure mode in this game and at the end of it you will fight against him
Yes to unlock him you must beat Classic Mode on Intense with all characters.
Beat the Subspace Emmisary 10 times on Very Hard, and play(I'm not kidding!) 1,000,000 brawls.
go to the part in adventure mode where you fight tabuu and wait because sonic will come and then he's a playable character. defeat tabuu and then sonic is playable
A PS2 does not play a PC game, but it is a Nintendo Game and also not played by the PS2
no Pichu is not in brawl they got rid of all the double characters of melee like Dr. Mario and young link, except for toon link. he's a new character.
No there is not
wats mode unloke super cj in the gta san andreas au ps2