Slowpoke has some good use in-game. If you're evolving it, go for Slowbro because of its stronger physical bulk and accessibility to Regenerator as a hidden ability.
You can catch Slowpoke in Pokemon Gold in the Slowpoke Well that is by Azalea Town and you can also find them in Tohjo Falls.
Slowpoke cannot be caught in Pokemon Diamond. This Pokemon can be found on route 205 in Pokemon Pearl using the pokemon radar and traded to Diamond.
Slowpoke will evolve at Level 37.
Slowpoke into Slowbro: Level 37 Slowpoke into Slowking: Trade with King's Rock attached.
you can get slowpoke in pokemon td in 5.6
You can catch Slowpoke in Pokemon Gold in the Slowpoke Well that is by Azalea Town and you can also find them in Tohjo Falls.
Trade a Slowpoke holding a King's Rock and it will evolve. You can get a Slowpoke in the Slowpoke Well.
You can find slowpoke near Azalea town.
Slowpoke is only available in leafgreen.
Slowpoke cannot be caught in Pokemon Diamond. This Pokemon can be found on route 205 in Pokemon Pearl using the pokemon radar and traded to Diamond.
Slowpoke can be found in Vermillion City where Lt. Surge is.
Slowpoke will evolve at Level 37. you can tell slowpoke are in it have you ever got an idea that maybe since there is only slowpoke in it then that's why its called slowpoke well......
Slowpoke into Slowbro: Level 37 Slowpoke into Slowking: Trade with King's Rock attached.
You can find slowpoke in pokemon white if you go to the Abundant Shrine, and use surf on the water. When you see a ripple in the water, go to it. Sometimes the wild pokemon is a slowpoke. I have caught one before like this, it works.