Yes it is all PlayStation 1 games are playable on the PS3. It a PlayStation game released on Jan 31 1998 with a Gamespot rating of Mediocre see rated link
Free downloads are not even playable on a PS3 as the downloads must come exclusively from the Playstation Store
No they do not. Xbox 360 are designed for exclusive use in a Xbox 360. They are not playable in any other platform or system
A PS3 game cannot play on the PSone. However, a PSone game should be playable on the PS3.No not on a PS1 or a PS2, PSP or PSP GO. Not on Xbox 360 or Nintendo Wii. The game says PS3 on it because it will work only on the PS3.
cause he is dumb (EDIT) uhm, dude meaning that waluigi is dumb doesn't mean he can't be playable in brawl
Nightwing is available as a playable character with the downloadable expansion pack.
Skullmonkeys happened in 1998.
Skullmonkeys was created on 1998-01-31.
Playstation games are playable on PS2 and PS3.
Gungrave overdose is playable. I am not sure about Gungrave though. They are both PS2 games and are not playable on the PS3 except older models with 4 USB ports
It is playable if you have a PS3 that is able to play PS2 games.
not that i know of no
you cant put a psp cd in a ps3
The PlayStation game is supposed to be able to be played on the PS3
Yes, PS1 games are playable on all models of the PS3.
None the Vita can not play a PS3 game