As a character in the manga/anime? No.
In the video game? Depends what moves you teach it, the stats, etc.
A TRU Shaymin is a Shaymin that was available for download from Toy's R' Us (TRU).
shaymin can not evolve
Shaymin cannot evolve.
Shaymin cannot be found in Soul Silver.
You dont. you cant get shaymin in black. you have to transfer it.
You find shaymin in the flower of paradise. once you get there shaymin will be at level 30. good luck
i got a shaymin code and my shaymin turned into a bad egg!how do i hatch it? Yeah i saved turned it off and back on in like 5 minutes and my Giratina is some ''BAD EGG''!
since shaymin is a grass type.....use Pokemon that are good agenst grass
yes its best move is seed flare it learns that at lv.100.Shaymin is a awesome legendary!
action replay.
yes its best move is seed flare and it learns it at lv.100. Shaymin is a awesome legendary!
Shaymin is number 492
Shaymin's sky form is a form that the Pokemon character Shaymin can take.
In DP, go to the flower shop. The shaymin MUST be an event shaymin. :3
A TRU Shaymin is a Shaymin that was available for download from Toy's R' Us (TRU).
it doesn't hatch i put in the action replay code to get regigias and shaymin but shaymin was a bad egg and regigigas was fine. i took 123'000 steps and it did not hatch. oh and this is for Pokemon platinum on the ds lite. so i don't know if it works or not but i don't think it does.