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it's a girl because of the pink ribbon

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Q: Is scamp moshi monsters a boy or girl?
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Is scamp on moshi monsters a girl or a boy?

its a girl

Is Katsuma on Moshi Monsters a girl or boy?

You can make your Moshi Monster either a boy or a girl so it does not really matter. Moshi Monsters does not tell you the gender!

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a boy

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a girl

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No, you can not get married and have babies on Moshi Monsters. The game is not designed for the monsters to have relationships such as boy friends and girl friends.

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The descriptions for the moshlings on Moshi Monsters do not say if the moshlings are male or female. Moshi Monsters does not tell you the gender because they want you to use your imagination and decide for yourself if the moshling is a boy or a girl.

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he's a boy

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no, its a boy unless you want it to be a boy

Is ecto on moshi monsters a boy or girl?

I think Ecto is personally a boy, according to his name and sorts, but Moshi Monsters never say if Ecto is a boy or girl, and the same with all other moshlings.

Is Flumpy on Moshi Monsters a boy or girl?

The description for Flumpy on Moshi Monsters does not say if Flumpy is male or female, so you can decide for yourself if you want your Flumpy moshling to be a boy or a girl.

Is Tiamo of moshi monsters a girl or a boy?

The description for Tiamo on Moshi Monsters does not say if Tiamo is male or female, so you can decide for yourself if you want your Tiamo moshling to be a boy or a girl.

Is McNulty on moshi monsters a boy or a girl?

The description for McNulty on Moshi Monsters does not say if McNulty is male or female, so you can decide for yourself if you want your McNulty moshling to be a boy or a girl.