Words that can be formed: Devastation:AdAdoAdsAid (s)Aide (s)And (s)Anode (s)Ante (s)AntiAnt (s)AteAvidAvoid (s)DaisDate (s)DeistDen (s)DieDiesDiet (s)Diva (s)Divan (s)Dive (s)DoeDoesDoneDoseEatEdit (s)End (s)Eon (s)IdeaIdeasIdesInsetIon (s)ItsNaive (s)NaivestNave (s)NeatNestNet (s)Nit (s)NodNodeNoesNoiseNoseNote (s)NotOdeOdesOneOnsetOven (s)SadSaidSaintSandSatinSeaSendSetonSetSideSiteSitSnotSodSotStaidStainStationStaveSteadSteinStetStone (d)Tad (s)Tan (s)Tat (s)Tea (s)TenTestTideTidesTiedTieTiesTine (s)Tin (s)Tone (s)Ton (s)Tote (s)Tot (s)VainestVainVane (s)VatVein (s)VestVetoVet (s)ViaViand (s)Video (s)Vie (s)VinaVine (s)VitaVitaeVoe (s)Void (s)Vote (s)
ROLLERBLADES a, ad(s), as, are, ale(s), all, bad, bade, blade(s), bleed(s), bled, bread(s), ball(s), bell(s), boll(s), brad(s), broad, blear, bed(s), beer(s), bear(s), bee(s), bore(s), bale(s), beard(s), dear(s), dare(s), doll(s), droll, drab, deal(s), dealer(s), dollar(s), dab(s), dell(s), dale(s), ear(s), era(s), eel(s), err(s), ell(s), lad(s), lade(s), load(s), lord(s), leer(s), loll(s), lobe(s), lore, lode(s), lead(s), ladle(s), label(s), o, or, ore, old, older, oar(s), orb(s), oral(s), order(s), ode(s), roar(s), rear(s), real, rob(s), rod(s), road(s), rode, roll(s), roller(s), robe(s), reader(s), read(s), rose, role(s), rare, sear, see, sea, sob, soar, sore, so, sole, sad, sod, sled, slab, slob, seal, seabed, sable, sealed, sale, sell, seller
ENTHUSIASTIC a, as, at, an, ant(s), ante(s), ash,astute, ashes, act(s), aunt(s), ass, ate, antic(s), attic(s), antics, autistic, atheistic, atheist, ache(s), achiest, acute, acne, ace(s), cat(s), cast(s), caste(s), cause(s), cuss, case(s), chaste, chat(s), chute(s), cute, cutest, cut(s), cuties, cent(s), cite(s), cities, chest, chess, chant(s), can(s), chastise(s), chaise(s), cheat(s), cane(s), chain(s), cash(es), cushiest, chin(s), chit(s), hut(s), hat(s), hit(s), hate(s), hunt(s), hint(s), hen(s), haste, has, hast, he, his, heat(s), hie(s), hi, i, in, inch, inches, itch, itchiness, itches, it, its, ins, issue, insect(s), incest, intuit(s), net(s), nest(s), nut(s), nite(s), nit(s), sauce(s), sauciness, site(s), sit(s), sat, set, sent, sin(s), sine(s), siesta, stein(s), stent(s), stet(s), sac(s), sun(s), sane, saint(s), stint(s), seat(s), since, sense, scent(s), scant, scan(s), sea(s), stain(s), suit(s), sinus, statue(s), status, static, state(s), saute(s), sate(s), suite(s), sushi, sic, sis, she, sue, suet, sash, shin(s), shine, shut(s), shanties, shine(s), tie(s), tic(s), tacit, tine(s), thin(s), thine, this, the, then, than, theistic, tune(S), tunic(s), unit(s), unite(s), untie(s), uh, use(s), us
EASTER BUNNY a, as, at, an, abut(s), are, ate, aye, aster, art, arts, astern, aery, bun(s), bunny, buy, bat(s), bay(s), ban(s), bar(s), bare(s), bear(s), beat(s), baste, banner(s), bent, banter(s), best, byte(s), bet(s), burn(s), barn(s), byre(s), brute(s), brat(s), bran(s), but(s), bunt(s), eat(s), east, erase, eater(s), eye(s), ear(s), eastern, earn(s), nun(s), near(s), neat, net(s), nub(s), nab(s), nut(s), nest, rest, run(s), runt(s), rant(s), ran, rub(s), rye(s), rat(s), rate(s), runny, sunny, sun, stun, see, sea, seat, sat, set, steer, star, stare, stab, stub, stay, stray, sty, stye, stern, tern(s), tee(s), tea(s), tab(s), tan(s), ten(s), tub(s), tease, teen(s), tray(s), trey(s), try, tune(s), tuna(s), terse, urban, urbane, unease, ye, yes, year(s), yearn(s), yurt(s),yarn(s)
OOZXSARDILDN a, ad(s), add(s), adz, ail(s), an, and, arid, as, ax, dad(s), darn(s), dial(s), did, din(s), dirndl(s), dolor, don(s), door(s), drool(s) I, id(s), in(s), is, lad(s), lain, lair(s), land(s), lard(s), lax, liar(s), lid(s), lion(s), lizard(s), load(s), loan(s), loin(s), loon(s), lorn, lox, nail(s), nil, nod, nor, oar(s), odd(s), odor(s), old, oil(s), on, ox, rad(s), raid(s), rail(s), rain(s), ran, rand(s), rid(s), rind(s), road(s), roan(s), rod(s), roil(s), sad, said, sail, sailor, saloon, sax, sir, six, slain, slid, snail, snood, soar, sod, soil, sol, solar, son, sordid, zoo(s)
Some synonyms of symetrical are: balanced, commensurate, equal, proportional, regular, shapely, commensurable.
A starfish.
they paint symetrical to show relaxation and kindness and exactly the same on each side
no because if you put a mirror line between 'm' and 'n' they are not symetrical which means the others are not symetrical. here is an example example : m / n the slash is the mirror line and this is not symetrical
A cube.
Planarians have bilateral symmetry.
No it is not.It is an asymmetrical molecule.