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No, it is not a legendary Pokemon.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 4y ago

Hell no. what are you a freaking noob???

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Q: Is rapidash a legendary Pokemon
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Where is the legendary Rapidash located on level 113 in Pokemon FireRed?

== ==

How do you evolve ponyta into rapidash in Pokemon?

Ponyta evolves into Rapidash at level 40.

What is the national pokedex number for Rapidash?

Rapidash is #78 in the national pokedex, and it is a Fire type Pokemon.

Where do you see Rapidash in Pokemon Diamond?

You cannot see a Rapidash in the wild. You can only get one by evolving a Ponyta

When will rapidash evolve in Pokemon platinum?

Rapidash is at its final evolution so it will never evolve, only Ponyta

Where do you find a Rapidash in Pokemon SoulSilver?

You can find a Rapidash on: Route 22, Route 28, Mt. Silver

How do you catch RapiDash in Pokemon FireRed?

Rapidash can be caught in the long grass after surfing from island one. The chances are about 5%.

How do you get the rainbow rapidash in Pokemon battle arena?

to get the rainbow rapidash you have to get a rainbow ponyta and evolve it. it evolves at level 50.

What is Pokemon number 78 on Pokemon Pearl?

goldeen (or rapidash on the national dex)

Who would win in a Pokemon battle rapidash lv62 or dialga lv 60?

rapidash because steel is weak to fire

Is shadinja a legendary Pokemon?

It is a rare pokemon, but it is not a legendary pokemon

What is Pokemon 18 in Pokemon Ranger?

On the new one its haunter, on the old one its rapidash.