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They are all really good put soul silver is better. Lasts you longer cause its harder to beat, and doesnt freeze as much.

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Q: Is platinum better then SoulSilver and heart gold?
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You would have to trade it from Diamond, Pearl or Platinum. There is no in game Arceus in Heart Gold or Soul Silver.

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It isn't in soul silver or heart gold, its in Platinum, Diamond and pearl in the Eterna forest nearer Eterna city :)

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Heart gold and Soul silver is better because most of the Pokemon in Black and white you don't know if there good or bad,but in Heart gold and Soul silver we all know Lugia and Ho-oh.

Does SoulSilver have a kyoger in it?

no, heart gold does.

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It will be better

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Pokemon heart gold

Can you get Leafeon or Glaceon in Heart Gold or SoulSilver?

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