They are all really good put soul silver is better. Lasts you longer cause its harder to beat, and doesnt freeze as much.
Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Heart Gold, and Soul Silver.
No heart gold is better. #1- Heart gold has two regions and a battle fronteir #2- Heart gold has some new features that are much better than platinum Hope this helped
you need to migrate it from Pokemon diamond/pearl/platinum. it is unobtainable in soul silver/heart gold trade, not migrate
Yes Diamond, Pearl and Platinum will be able to trade with HeartGold and SoulSilver, all HeartGold and SoulSilver needs is the PokéDex and you need to have at least 2 Pokémon with you and you need to be at a Pokémon Center.
To get Gengar you must link trade Gastly with a friend that has a 4th generation game (Diamond,Pearl,Platinum,Heartgold,Soulsilver) and then it will evolve into gengar.
you can not get rayquaza in dimond, pearl, platinum, black, and wite. you can get it in gold, silver, heart gold, soulsilver and emereld
you cant you just get it on heart gold because it is ezclusive for heart gold but for soul silver it is groudon that i think its better.
Pokemon Diamond,Pokemon Pearl,pokemon platinum,pokemon heart gold and soulsilver.
You would have to trade it from Diamond, Pearl or Platinum. There is no in game Arceus in Heart Gold or Soul Silver.
the only way for u to get mewtwo is migrate from firered or leafgreen. u can't catch it platinum. or u can trade it from heart gold or soulsilver.
use the poke radar in platinum,diamond,or pearl in the trophy garden and trade in to heart gold or soul silver
It isn't in soul silver or heart gold, its in Platinum, Diamond and pearl in the Eterna forest nearer Eterna city :)
Heart gold and Soul silver is better because most of the Pokemon in Black and white you don't know if there good or bad,but in Heart gold and Soul silver we all know Lugia and Ho-oh.
no, heart gold does.
It will be better
Pokemon heart gold
No. In order to get a glaceon or leafeon in soul silver you have to trade your evee to diamond, pearl, or platinum and evolve them in their appropriate locations