

Best Answer

Piplup is a species of pokemon, so there are male Piplups and female Piplups.

In the series, Dawn's Piplup is a male. In episode 610, "Where No Togepi Has Gone Before" a female Togepi uses attract on piplup, meowth, pikachu and croagunk, confirming theyr all male

I have no idea. i don't play it but it sounds like a boy

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Q: Is piplup a boy or girl?
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Is piplup a boy or girl n pokemon?

it depends which one you are refering to. If you mean Dawn's Piplup in the Cartoon then it's a boy. If you mean the pokemon Piplup in the game then it can be either a boy or girl, there is an 87.5 % chance of it being a boy, and a 12.5 % chance of it being a girl.

Is Dawns Piplup a boy or a girl on Pokemon?

i think he is a boy Then why does it where a cheerleader outfit like the girls do,and not like the outfit Pikachu? Becouse dawn dresses him up like that. Yes dawns piplup is a boy and dawn dresses HIM like that cause personally i think shes tryin to make him Gay Ash wouldn't dress a boy like a girl thought cause hes not sad. well i got finally got real answer piplup is a boy i saw an episode where he fell in love with a maril and an electrokid liked the girl maril too. So, piplup is a boy because those two fought over maril. but I've seen a episode were piplup and pikachu fell in love with each other. yes it was by a weird machine, but still...

What Pokemon egg will you get if you bred an Empoleon?

if its a girl it will be a piplup if its a boy its whatever Pokemon its breeding with unless its a ditto

Is Dawn's Piplup a girl or a boy?

Dawn's Piplup gender is male(boy). It was confirmed the Dawn's Piplup in the episodes -Three Sides To Every StoryWhere No Togepi Has Gone BeforeIn Three Sides To Every Story , Piplup fell in love with a female Marill , also a male Elekid that also liked Marill.In Where No Togepi Has Gone Before , a Togepi used Attract and Pikachu , Meowth , Croagunk , and Piplup all started following Togepi. Pikachu is male , and if Piplup was included then Piplup , Croagunk and Meowth are also male. That also means that Togepi is female.

Where do you see piplup in Pokemon platinum?

There is a trainer near the entrance of Eterna Forest one of those camping-like girl she has a piplup.

Related questions

Is piplup a boy or girl n pokemon?

it depends which one you are refering to. If you mean Dawn's Piplup in the Cartoon then it's a boy. If you mean the pokemon Piplup in the game then it can be either a boy or girl, there is an 87.5 % chance of it being a boy, and a 12.5 % chance of it being a girl.

Is the trainer in route 205 that has a piplup a boy or girl?

a girl.

Is dawns pachirisu a boy or a girl?

dawns piplup is a boy because theirs an episode where piplup falls in love with a girl merril

Is piplupe from pokemon a girl or boy?

Actually, it can be both! There are both male (boy) and female (girl) piplup.

On Pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of time should I be shinx or piplup?

I would suggest a piplup if you are a girl, but if you are a boy, a shinx.

Is piplup cute?

yes, of course it is!! but sometimes it will get out ot of control when it became proud of itself......

Is Dawns Piplup a boy or a girl on Pokemon?

i think he is a boy Then why does it where a cheerleader outfit like the girls do,and not like the outfit Pikachu? Becouse dawn dresses him up like that. Yes dawns piplup is a boy and dawn dresses HIM like that cause personally i think shes tryin to make him Gay Ash wouldn't dress a boy like a girl thought cause hes not sad. well i got finally got real answer piplup is a boy i saw an episode where he fell in love with a maril and an electrokid liked the girl maril too. So, piplup is a boy because those two fought over maril. but I've seen a episode were piplup and pikachu fell in love with each other. yes it was by a weird machine, but still...

What Pokemon egg will you get if you bred an Empoleon?

if its a girl it will be a piplup if its a boy its whatever Pokemon its breeding with unless its a ditto

Does piplup have a crush on Pikachu in the shows?

No, Piplup is a boy but Buneary has a crush on Pikachu.

Can you find piplup turtwig and chimchar in pearl?

you cant unless you trade with another person who has the game or you have a boy and girl empoleons

What nature is piplup in explorers of darkness?

a girl piplup would be quirky.

Is Dawn's Piplup a girl or a boy?

Dawn's Piplup gender is male(boy). It was confirmed the Dawn's Piplup in the episodes -Three Sides To Every StoryWhere No Togepi Has Gone BeforeIn Three Sides To Every Story , Piplup fell in love with a female Marill , also a male Elekid that also liked Marill.In Where No Togepi Has Gone Before , a Togepi used Attract and Pikachu , Meowth , Croagunk , and Piplup all started following Togepi. Pikachu is male , and if Piplup was included then Piplup , Croagunk and Meowth are also male. That also means that Togepi is female.