No. Oz is not a valid Scrabble word.
A Scrabble word is an English word that you can use in the Scrabble game.
Git is a playable Scrabble word. It is listed as a Scrabble word in Merriam-Webster's Official Scrabble Players Dictionary. The word means to get.
No. Voci is not a Scrabble word.
Voxy is NOT a scrabble word and will NEVER BE ONE!! EVER
No. Oz is not a valid Scrabble word.
Oz "Oz" is not acceptable in Scrabble, if that's what you're getting at. ;-)
No, oz is an abbreviation, not a word. If your rules allow proper names, then yes, Oz, as in "The Wizard of Oz" would be acceptable. Official Rules, however do not allow proper names or abbreviations.
There are no English Scrabble words that meet the criteria. Here are word options that end with OZ:3-letter wordscoz5-letter wordstrooz6-letter wordskolhoz, kolkoz, schnoz7-letter wordskolkhoz, sovkhoz7 words found.
As far as i know Oz = Aus Generally a substitute for the word Australia e.g Made in Oz or I know someone who lives in Oz Also Ozzie = Aussie (a word for Australian)
A Scrabble word is an English word that you can use in the Scrabble game.
16.4 oz in word form is: sixteen and four tenths ounces.
The word 'born' is the past participle of the word 'to bear' in its meaning as 'to give birth'. The word 'borne' is the past participle of the word 'to bear' in its meaning as 'to be carried, moved around, supported'. In this sense, the sentence 'Oz was borne' therefore means Oz was carried. So the reference is more likely in regard to the Wizard of Oz than to the beautiful, enchanted, magical lands of Oz or to the actual land of Australia.
Git is a playable Scrabble word. It is listed as a Scrabble word in Merriam-Webster's Official Scrabble Players Dictionary. The word means to get.
No. That word is not allowed in Scrabble.
Yes. At is a legal Scrabble word.