stats are overall good hp is good and it learns good moves so i would use it rather than pidgey or starly
Yup. He has a shiny Noctowl.
Evolve a hoohthoot in emerald and trade it.
I liked hoot hoots evolved form noctowl and pidgeot where good. Ground type I liked diglett and sandshrew.
if you mean spiritomb a noctowl does,nt evolve. you get spiritomb at the broken tower when you talk to 35 people underground trust me.
Noctowl is a Normal and Flying type pokemon.
Noctowl doesnt exist in Pokemon yellow, blue, or red
noctowl doesnt learn psychic
Hoothoot evolves into noctowl at level 20.
Noctowl does not evolve, although Hoothoot evolves intoNoctowl at level 20. Noctowl is the final stage.
Transfer one from another game or use the global trade in the pokecenter to trade another pokemon to get a noctowl
Noctowl is the fully evolved form of Hoot-Hoot and doesn't evolve.
Noctowl is the fully evolved form of Hoot-Hoot and doesn't evolve.
Noctowl is #164 in the national pokedex, and it is a Normal-Flying type Pokemon.
noctowl and hoothoot
Pidgeot noctowl togetic lugia/ho-oh and crobat