

Is mom cute

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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Definitely, she is beautiful, and everyone loves her! <3 :)

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Q: Is mom cute
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Shes not cute. But she is beautiful.

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He cute because his mom made him cute

Is Qwin D's mom cute?

No, no she's not :)

Where can you shop for cute clothes for your mom?

Belk, Kohl's, Victoria's Secret

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All babies are cute no matter if they are a boy or a girl!!! Just ask the Mom!!

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blonde hair cute mum

You are so cute and is that your mom?

Thanks wait, who are you trying to pick up here?

What different between mom and mommy?

mom is america, mom is short for mommy, both are casua, familiar, "cute", or even baby-talk. Also perfectly acceptable.

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Mission Makeover - 2009 From Cute Mom to Gorgeous Grown-Up 1-2 was released on: USA: 15 April 2010

Great love poems?

i love my mom so much i love you mom you are sweet and pretty and cute you smell so good and you do everything for me and i will always listen to you.

How do you persuade your mom to get you a baby yorkie?

show her a picture of it and then she will see how cute it is then tell her that you will take responsibility for everything.

How can you make your mom love hamsters?

By showing it to her and make it do some funny thing then she will see how cute they are...then she will love them