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No. He just looks like them.

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Q: Is lugia related to latios and latias?
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Related questions

Is lugia latios's and latias's father?

No, Lugia is not the father of Latios and Latias. Neither the games nor the anime has portrayed this; they're unrelated Pokemon.

Is latios and Latias related?


What Pokemon are in soul silver that are not in HeartGold?

You can get Lugia in both games!! In HG you can get Kyogre, Latias. In SS you can get Groudon, Latios. You can get both Latios and Latias in both games if you have enigma stone, AR, or Gameshark!

What are all the ledgends in Pokemon?

Deoxys,Rayquaza,Lugia, Ho-oh, Latios,Latias,Kyogre and Groudon

How do you get Lugia in red rescue team?

you beat him on the 99th floor i have lugia,latios,latias,groundon,kyogre,rayquaza,ho-oh and the legendary lions

What are all the lendgendary Pokemon in emerald?

ho-oh,lugia,latios,latias,regirock,regice,registeel,kyogre,groudon,rayquaza,mew,jirachi,and deoxys. ho-oh,lugia,latios,latias,regirock,regice,registeel,kyogre,groudon,rayquaza,mew,jirachi,and deoxys.

Who are the legendary Pokémon in emerald?

kyogre, groudon, rayquaza, latias & latios, mew, lugia & ho-oh, deoxys!

What are the legendaries in emerald?

Rayquaza deoxys mew groundon Kyrouge Ho-oh Lugia Maybe latias and latios.

What are good nicknames for Latias and Latios?

Latias and Latios

Is there more than one Lugia?

No there is only 1 lugia but if you go to the day care put lugia in it and a ditto then it will lay an egg and the egg will be a lugia

What Pokemon can you get with the secret slab?

in pmd2: -zapdos -mewtwo -entei -raikou -celebi -latios -latias -deoxys -lugia -ho-oh -darkrai in pmd3: -zapdos -deoxys -darkrai -latios -latias -deoxys (not the one in temporal spire) -celebi

Is this a good team Charizard Lucario Lugia Tyranitar Rayquaza and Garchomp or is that too many ubers?

Yes exept use latios instead of rayquaza and latias instead of lugia