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it all depends on it's level, it's team members, and move-set.

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Q: Is linoone a good Pokemon
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Related questions

What type of Pokemon is Linoone?

Linoone is a Normal type pokemon.

When does linoone evolve on Pokemon sapphire?

Linoone doesn't evolve. It's the final stage of evolution. Zigzagoon --(level20)--> Linoone

Can Linoone learn Dig in Pokemon Emerald?

Yes, Linoone is able to learn Dig by TM.

What is the national pokedex number for Linoone?

Linoone is #264 in the national pokedex, and it is a Normal type Pokemon.

How do you get linoone in platinum?

The only way to get a Linoone in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl is to migrate (transfer) a Zigzagoon or Linoone off of Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald. This can only be done AFTER defeating the Elite Four and the Champion.

Where do you find linoone in Pokemon Silver?

In Sliver, there is no way to obtain Linoone other than a hack on the game.

What route is linoone on Pokemon Pearl?

Linoone cannot be found in the wild, you will have to catch a Zigzagoon in Route 202 when there is an mass outbreak and level it up to level 20 to evolve it into a Linoone.

What are all the Pokemon you can breed with a female Blaziken just on Pokemon saphire?

you coud with a linoone

What is a good water type Pokemon to teach surf to in emerald?

Linoone (It can learn nearly all of the HM's)

In Pokemon pearl is there a Pokemon like linoone that picks up items?

Yes. Pachirisu and Munchlax.

How do you get linoone to learn braille on Pokemon sapphire?

Answer:Braille isn't a Pokemon move, it is a form of language.

How does zigzagoon evolve in Pokemon emerald?

zigzagoon evolves into linoone at level 20 in Pokemon emerald