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Q: Is level IV body armor on a GSA schedule?
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How do you put in codes on Pokemon LeafGreen?

Entering codes in VBA to enter Gameshark codes in Visualboy Advance, here's a small tutorial: 1. Open visualboy Advance 2. Load up the game or "ROM" as we like to call it 3. At the top of the screen you should see a menue like this: |--------------------------------------------| |File Options Cheats Tools Help | |____________________________________________| click on "Cheats" and then go to the option "Cheat list..." At the bottom of the new window that opened up, you should see 2 rows of 4 buttons each. Something like this: |-----------------------------------------------------| --------------------------------------------------- code |Description |Status --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- | | |Restore Previous values | | | --------| |--------| |------------| |-------------- code | |cheat | |Gameshark...| |CodeBreaker... --------| |--------| |------------| |-------------- --------| |--------| |------------| |-------------- Remove | |Rem. All| |Enable/Dis. | | Ok --------| |--------| |------------| |-------------- |-----------------------------------------------------| 4. Click on the "Gameshark" button. You should now see something like this: |----------------------------------| | |-------------------- |Descritpion:| | |-------------------- | | | |-------------------- | Code:| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-------------------- | | | |----------| |------------| | | | OK | | Cancel | | | |----------| |------------| | |----------------------------------| 5. Type the code(s) in in the big box labeled "Code". -If a code has a space in it, remove the space (i.e. if the code looks like this: xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy, enter it like this: xxxxxxxxyyyyyyyy) -All codes contain and only contain numbers 0-9 and/or letters A-F. Do not use "O", "Q" or any other character that looks like "0" except "0" -Don't confuse "4" and "A" or "8" and "B" -If you can, Copy-Paste these codes instead of typing them out individually. This will ensure accuracy. -If a code has more than one line, all lines must be entered and active at the same time 6. Click OK on both menues to return to your game. 7. ??? 8. Profit! ---------------- I just copy-Pasted from GSA Codes English FAQ made by Mastersord!

Cheats for Pokemon Sapphire?

Here is how you can get as many Treecko's you want!Find an oddish and evolve it into Vileplume.Next put your Treecko,Grovile,or Sceptile in the daycare west of Mauville with the vilplume.Walk around for a few minutes and the daycare MAN will give you an egg.It will hatch into a baby Treecko!!! HEY PEOPLE! GOOD NEWS FOR YOU! I FOUND A CHEAT WHERE YOU CAN GET ALL THE POKEMON SAPPHIRE POKEMON! YES THAT'S RIGHT! ALL OF 'EM! EVEN THE EON TWINS AND ALL THE REGIS AND THE WEATHER TRIO AND JIRACHI AND DEOXIS! IF YOU ARE USING AN EMULATOR E.G. VISUAL BOY ADVANCE REMOVE THE SPACES. THIS IS KEY! IF YOU DONT THEY WON'T WORK.253 - Grovyle82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E14921F8BC36 6CC818B7254 - Sceptile82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1495157CACF 5EB25845255 - Torchic82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1499DB4C319 8219060A256 - Combusken82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1497CAD3622 7FCCA6ED257 - Blaziken82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1494A44AC2E D6B438D5258 - Mudkip82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1492E050694 11BC05B3259 - Marshtomp82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E14929BA2D42 D510FFBA260 - Swampert82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149B8C7D72F 087B6595261 - Poochyena82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E14999A5DB56 D3F68AE7262 - Mightyena82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E14937A90703 F49DE0B4263 - Zigzagoon82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149CBA3EA03 92726DCC264 - Linoone82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E14961DBEB9F 92DBFA58265 - Wurmple82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149C3DA6AFF 0F7B7083266 - Silcoon82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1498183477E E90ADD46267 - Beautifly82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1493866C190 031535DD268 - Cascoon82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1490A70DC56 17BA6B8E269 - Dustox82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E14972F95810 DB6FB4EF270 - Lotad82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1492D5A7BBB 525EF393271 - Lombre82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149A755369B 4BD7F6F1272 - Ludicolo82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149A20A4542 D79124D0273 - Seedot82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149DB37D9E1 B8BA4066274 - Nuzleaf82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149189F92E1 D21F4478275 - Shiftry82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1498DC39BCF 3F710E3E276 - Nincada82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E14955513D19 9B3DE2D4277 - Ninjask82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149957DE792 C4607DA8278 - Shedinja82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149665C2F42 369D779C279 - Taillow82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149451597F6 A1578DD9280 - Swellow82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1491DA4F7E6 F247F39A281 - Shroomish82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149C5FFADC8 45F66362282 - Breloom82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1491D47A9C6 0524F0F7283 - Spinda82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149BB0893DA 002DE3DF284 - wingull82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E14955429ABD 95D438C4285 - Pelipper82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1491DB3DE68 672324D6286 - Surskit82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149C246C624 FDB5125D287 - Masquerain82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149BB6A3047 431DFCFF288 - Wailmer82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1496870774E DCCF5C26289 - Wailord82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149A36ED36F 10EDDF89290 - Skitty82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149D7DF0A98 8D70EB4D291 - Delcatty82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149601F8154 A460B6A7292 - Kecleon82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149C07D2D07 5B6C82F2293 - Baltoy82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E14990AF0D84 1C4A45C9294 - Claydol82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149CA8B36FC DF163AA9295 - Nosepass82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149C446CE3B 97CD0DC3296 - Torkoal82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149F85BC8EB 7CF30E57297 - Sableye82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E14917592A4C 2C72F873298 - Barboatch82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149D99B190D CB5C3255299 - Whiscash82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149B964DDC5 3615D4B1300 - Luvdisc82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149938CB852 F9BB4D41301 - Corphish82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E14923DAFA41 5B1ADBC8302 - Lobstar (crawdaunt)82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1492E666CF3 32395439303 - Feebas82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149D884D952 82F6FD48304 - Milotic82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1498F700F62 2CA08221305 - Carvanha82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149B5A578B4 6F1B591B306 - Sharpedo82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149C62B8458 0FC8B29A307 - Trapinch82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149F406B320 0DAA38F6308 - Vibrava82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149007CC333 1A7F8A4A309 - Flygon82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149B0248945 3BC0030F310 - Makuhita82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149E1F4794A 887F06BF311 - Hariteyama82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E14953D971FF 007FAAEB312 - Electrike82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1494E39C71B 8B168004313 - Manectric82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1493A4F2D33 CBF5A1B4314 - Numel82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149D2583A42 5BE8CB0E315 - Camerupt82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149B5B5FCBB CFCC8751316 - Spheal82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149D4515AC1 7C2BD132317 - Sealeo82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149CE85182F FEAF53F9318 - Walrein82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149C6B2B122 6711B417319 - Cacnea82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1497D2A47BB 332D52F3320 - Cacturn82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149C4741BAE 97124E11321 - Snorunt82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1492817970A E0F6D0E4322 - Glalie82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149CB8E1E83 8A0B06FF323 - Lunatone82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149372CE7DB A9C8EB5E324 - Solrock82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149D2CE7A4B 797F7E89325 - Azurill82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149B42D1283 C6EBBDBB326 - Spoink82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1498EA4FCB9 3A913D4D327 - Grumpig82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1498F6C9E12 CB96CE33328 - Plusle82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E14984F62866 9F914B8B329 - Minun82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149AC9122B2 6257AAE0330 - Mawile82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149FC8A82EA 704658D9331 - Meditite82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149E9D1D488 00D975CA332 - Medicham82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E14985B4AF9A 41D7B768333 - Swablu82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1490DA20954 262C11C0334 - Altaria82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149E4829340 74AE24CA335 - Wynaut82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1494A9EBB58 037F6B34336 - Duskull82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149BD8E35D5 CF92A431337 - Dusclops82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149359F5186 1F36099C338 - Roselia82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149B0DA39C5 05276564339 - Slakoth82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1490F8A29BA 2C2D1529340 - Vigoroth82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149B3EE2817 89EA6EFC341 - Slaking82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1492B48952F 978365BD342 - Gulpin82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149179DCADE C474D278343 - Swalot82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1490A684345 81A60674344 - Tropius82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1490BB19CBC FA943A3E345 - Whismur82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149D521BFDA F306CE43346 - Loudred82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E14967E17F19 5D6EDD71347 - Exploud82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149A587A72A CAA20267348 - Clamperl82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149944B4BE8 D05C678B349 - Huntail82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1495669AB79 CAF18B71350 - Gorebyss82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1490F1B5F6C 7656C3B9351 - Absol82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1492CC860EC D40C584F352 - Shuppet82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1495DBF2FCF 30E8F421353 - Banette82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1498E732451 F6EF7BA4354 - Seviper82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1496E2ED8A0 24431D98355 - Zangoose82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1498CEF1F80 060461DD356 - Relicanth82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1497B29CACC D014F65D357 - Aron82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1496557E79B 19945642358 - Lairon82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149D4EFF5BB 1311E2E8359 - Aggron82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1499F727E48 188E88D7360 - Castform82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149528A0B97 1B7D1DB1361 - Volbeat82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149BC71207B 319D605F362 - Illumise82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1496D88B6F9 68D141AB363 - Lileep82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1494BEFDC30 B4192001364 - Cradily82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149A87F5761 834F0FF9365 - Anorith82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149761FA58F 0C669A85366 - Armaldo82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149C68621E0 CE91EAF2367 - Ralts82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149CA880BEE 01C3CE5E368 - Kirlia82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1499B8D1405 198957C8369 - Gardevoir82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1492BE7AED3 B9751EC5370 - Bagon82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1497BC26643 F6351EA3371 - Shelgon82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1495CFB59B9 D08C1A10372 - salamence82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149F683728D A1CB7A38373 - Beldum82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149662DB4A0 150278A5374 - Metang82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E14972B850FD 79DE57D2375 - Metagross82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149E62FCE6B 99A4823D376 - Regirock82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149CE51186D 3686F6D2377 - Regice82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1496F5F7F3E FEA00143378 - Registeel82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149349C4821 49728D68379 - Kyogre82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1499EFEC4E6 F24D5813380 - Groudon82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149299CE04B 43341CDD381 - Rayquaza82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149C5946A0E 65BE02B0382 - Latias82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149EA642142 26D6E5A6383 - Latios82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E14979870CB0 95729832384 - Jirachi82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149FBC061A9 072FC320385 - Deoxys82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1498C5DE8C8 A33E9D88386 - Chimecho82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149145A57F6 ADDF1B3AWild Pokemon mod codes:Level 0: F5AB342D 3CFA84F8Level 1: C45C7505 6BF97E40Level 2: C8363B8A F34CC253Level 3: FBED400C 47E6AF9CLevel 4: 81B4F4A8 DD8C8DA3Level 5: 8ADF131B 197C3759Level 6: 36B01215 68B06873Level 7: A81FA645 2174B4CCLevel 8: 50EE594D B7FD32A9Level 9: D4AA647C BEC56E17Level 10: CF0A1FE3 D41BA795Level 11: F34ACED4 3C833FD0Level 12: D4AC3116 1A70901FLevel 13: 8A4EF1F6 69FF9704Level 14: DBB8A34C 1F340ABELevel 15: 79B4DE8E C4E2714ELevel 16: 16D2DE03 97D5DD30Level 17: ECC36576 9B384AC4Level 18: E86757F7 B85B1907Level 19: 508435D0 8374F8A9Level 20: F0EB0BD8 E5DAC259Level 21: 75CB0D43 A287FDEELevel 22: DB6DE7CF A3D8B726Level 23: 075456FC 83E07CABLevel 24: 40A1AE59 0736E278Level 25: 0E9F9606 0EF72FE8Level 26: AD477A8D 329351CFLevel 27: 9C0D020F 64EFA2F8Level 28: 34D3FB96 C7514F70Level 29: 95623D8F 5448C1AALevel 30: 8DAA3F03 5E8B4E54Level 31: 34224A03 6EFCE73ELevel 32: C075E1D2 6E01EC81Level 33: BE867F80 D2C46A90Level 34: 650868D6 596C0BC0Level 35: 593E6E2A 515DAF8ELevel 36: D7B3E81C 3A7B4092Level 37: 5767DABA C727A2ADLevel 38: 6DC76B78 C23682E7Level 39: 86F413D7 CBDB39D9Level 40: 4245B3C4 E56F6A82Level 41: 8270F1EB D1860181Level 42: 969D1EE6 47E35F62Level 43: 32EDA52D 2BDEA8C0Level 44: 9176DA1D A676AEFELevel 45: BD639674 9DAE5ACBLevel 46: 5A153871 E444FF29Level 47: 89A69EBA 824E2B67Level 48: 12963DB0 674C6AF9Level 49: 6259B357 DE6A92F2Level 50: 80F83CB7 37AD1203Level 51: 2A35CA47 728F3F35Level 52: 54096210 C5AA929ALevel 53: DDF6A059 F31732AALevel 54: F61A8D56 FA95DDF9Level 55: 982C2976 43489754Level 56: 957A67E7 B03D0BF8Level 57: 5EB4CE49 93C149C6Level 58: 4CB419E6 31789987Level 59: 99CA200B ABCFEEA8Level 60: 5B5BF78C 5E4B18C6Level 61: 56EA8C70 453E8185Level 62: 9ED6273D C3C3040FLevel 63: 57A31C95 53AFEA9ELevel 64: 51386486 8C6681ECLevel 65: BDD6AA72 7D4FBED7Level 66: F9453920 858514B3Level 67: CC5470DE 59B583AFLevel 68: 0C9DDCE9 24AB6861Level 69: 6C4DFC62 7316B869Level 70: 91096486 0960E45ALevel 71: FB27E9FF 12AA5002Level 72: E1741A49 967C7FDBLevel 73: 221B0B45 5C53AAB8Level 74: 0AC35495 84A76C74Level 75: 0DF5B115 DADD06F6Level 76: F4AB245F 3D2002EFLevel 77: DC9FF3B0 25AD56E8Level 78: 5D6FC8EB 086106F5Level 79: 7519EBBE 186ABEAALevel 80: 1FE76F15 54DE3575Level 81: 06CACB52 F59940BDLevel 82: C1492B55 108E9337Level 83: E45CAD9D CBF7760DLevel 84: A94EFAE2 E1139B30Level 85: 6BF0C6BF 3C9AE9B8Level 86: 9B362862 6C9E3476Level 87: 957FA407 9EB83354Level 88: 764D7C8B 3AE794B5Level 89: B98D2485 52001EA3Level 90: 56401EEF 892CF351Level 91: F078A9CB F9C77A1DLevel 92: 867BF336 69D46D1BLevel 93: 1802052B 1CA040BDLevel 94: 80D10F19 8980597CLevel 95: BC00C0DF 203B52B9Level 96: EC994F1B 029C9BF4Level 97: 12AB8578 A25B2D8FLevel 98: 0FEB2F80 1F4C20F3Level 99: DDD3F56C 8AB5ED26Level 100: ECE60170 B3CCB7D2Rate Above Submission:12345678910Above submission added on: 19th Jul 2005 | id number: 5889Author: javet | Verify above submission Valid | BogusTick to add to printer friendly selection.Verified by: PokePunk, javet, khonnan, Sumo Lad, darkheartlessBogus Report: blockedIf you have a gameshark advanced (not sp) I can help you out here.First, enter the master (M) code.(M)9E6AC862823AB7A88365F8FA817CF3E9This next code will give you an Eon Ticket in your FIRST SLOT of your PC. Make sure the item in the first slot is something junk - like some type of MAIL.EON TICKETE5FC33277766DEE9Now you're in for a rude awakening. The Eon Ticket doesn't work! Enter this code to activate it. Once this code is entered you can talk to the lady in Slateport/Lilycove ferry harbors to travel to South Island.ENABLE EON TICKET0332305F41A5F851Now this is a bonus because I like you people. This code will allow you to repeatedly use the rock, so if you don't catch Latios the first time you'll get another shot...or you can do what I did and capture many Latios. :)INFINITE LATIOS7C4D9034783EE1E6Now to help you out with it's capture, you can also use a masterball code. Just note that like the Eon Ticket code, the Masterball codes will replace the items already in the first slots.MASTERBALL 1ST PC SLOTDCEEEC34AFEADC26MASTERBALL 1ST ITEM PACK SLOT910C4AFB679BA66AHappy cheating! :)Rate Above Submission:12345678910These are type-6 codes, only activate one of these at a time. you need to reset the game to disable these.252 - Treecko82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1495BAE22AD 8F7D3013253 - Grovyle82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E14921F8BC36 6CC818B7254 - Sceptile82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1495157CACF 5EB25845255 - Torchic82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1499DB4C319 8219060A256 - Combusken82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1497CAD3622 7FCCA6ED257 - Blaziken82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1494A44AC2E D6B438D5258 - Mudkip82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1492E050694 11BC05B3259 - Marshtomp82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E14929BA2D42 D510FFBA260 - Swampert82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149B8C7D72F 087B6595261 - Poochyena82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E14999A5DB56 D3F68AE7262 - Mightyena82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E14937A90703 F49DE0B4263 - Zigzagoon82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149CBA3EA03 92726DCC264 - Linoone82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E14961DBEB9F 92DBFA58265 - Wurmple82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149C3DA6AFF 0F7B7083266 - Silcoon82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1498183477E E90ADD46267 - Beautifly82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1493866C190 031535DD268 - Cascoon82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1490A70DC56 17BA6B8E269 - Dustox82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E14972F95810 DB6FB4EF270 - Lotad82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1492D5A7BBB 525EF393271 - Lombre82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149A755369B 4BD7F6F1272 - Ludicolo82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149A20A4542 D79124D0273 - Seedot82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149DB37D9E1 B8BA4066274 - Nuzleaf82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149189F92E1 D21F4478275 - Shiftry82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1498DC39BCF 3F710E3E276 - Nincada82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E14955513D19 9B3DE2D4277 - Ninjask82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149957DE792 C4607DA8278 - Shedinja82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149665C2F42 369D779C279 - Taillow82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149451597F6 A1578DD9280 - Swellow82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1491DA4F7E6 F247F39A281 - Shroomish82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149C5FFADC8 45F66362282 - Breloom82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1491D47A9C6 0524F0F7283 - Wingull82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149BB0893DA 002DE3DF284 - Spinda82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E14955429ABD 95D438C4285 - Pelipper82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1491DB3DE68 672324D6286 - Surskit82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149C246C624 FDB5125D287 - Masquerain82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149BB6A3047 431DFCFF288 - Wailmer82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1496870774E DCCF5C26289 - Wailord82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149A36ED36F 10EDDF89290 - Skitty82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149D7DF0A98 8D70EB4D291 - Delcatty82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149601F8154 A460B6A7292 - Kecleon82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149C07D2D07 5B6C82F2293 - Baltoy82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E14990AF0D84 1C4A45C9294 - Claydol82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149CA8B36FC DF163AA9295 - Nosepass82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149C446CE3B 97CD0DC3296 - Torkoal82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149F85BC8EB 7CF30E57297 - Sableye82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E14917592A4C 2C72F873298 - Barboatch82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149D99B190D CB5C3255299 - Whiscash82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149B964DDC5 3615D4B1300 - Luvdisc82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149938CB852 F9BB4D41301 - Corphish82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E14923DAFA41 5B1ADBC8302 - Lobstar82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1492E666CF3 32395439303 - Feebas82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149D884D952 82F6FD48304 - Miltotic82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1498F700F62 2CA08221305 - Carvanha82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149B5A578B4 6F1B591B306 - Sharpedo82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149C62B8458 0FC8B29A307 - Trapinch82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149F406B320 0DAA38F6308 - Vibrava82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149007CC333 1A7F8A4A309 - Flygon82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149B0248945 3BC0030F310 - Makuhita82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149E1F4794A 887F06BF311 - Hariteyama82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E14953D971FF 007FAAEB312 - Electrike82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1494E39C71B 8B168004313 - Manectric82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1493A4F2D33 CBF5A1B4314 - Numel82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149D2583A42 5BE8CB0E315 - Camerupt82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149B5B5FCBB CFCC8751316 - Spheal82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149D4515AC1 7C2BD132317 - Sealeo82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149CE85182F FEAF53F9318 - Walrein82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149C6B2B122 6711B417319 - Beldum82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149C4741BAE 97124E11320 - Cacnea82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1497D2A47BB 332D52F3321 - Cacturne82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1492817970A E0F6D0E4322 - Snorunt82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149CB8E1E83 8A0B06FF323 - Glalie82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149372CE7DB A9C8EB5E324 - Lunatone82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149D2CE7A4B 797F7E89325 - Solrock82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149B42D1283 C6EBBDBB326 - Azurill82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1498EA4FCB9 3A913D4D327 - Spoink82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1498F6C9E12 CB96CE33328 - Grumpig82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E14984F62866 9F914B8B329 - Plusle82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149AC9122B2 6257AAE0330 - Minun82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149FC8A82EA 704658D9331 - Mawile82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149E9D1D488 00D975CA332 - Meditite82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E14985B4AF9A 41D7B768333 - Medicham82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1490DA20954 262C11C0334 - Swablu82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149E4829340 74AE24CA335 - Altaria82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1494A9EBB58 037F6B34336 - Wynaut82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149BD8E35D5 CF92A431337 - Duskull82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149359F5186 1F36099C338 - Dusclops82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149B0DA39C5 05276564339 - Roselia82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1490F8A29BA 2C2D1529340 - Slakoth82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149B3EE2817 89EA6EFC341 - Vigoroth82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1492B48952F 978365BD342 - Slaking82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149179DCADE C474D278343 - Gulpin82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1490A684345 81A60674344 - Swalot82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1490BB19CBC FA943A3E345 - Tropius82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149D521BFDA F306CE43346 - Whismur82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E14967E17F19 5D6EDD71347 - Loudred82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149A587A72A CAA20267348 - Exploud82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149944B4BE8 D05C678B349 - Clamperl82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1495669AB79 CAF18B71350 - Huntail82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1490F1B5F6C 7656C3B9351 - Gorebyss82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1492CC860EC D40C584F352 - Absol82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1495DBF2FCF 30E8F421353 - Shuppet82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1498E732451 F6EF7BA4354 - Banette82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1496E2ED8A0 24431D98355 - Seviper82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1498CEF1F80 060461DD356 - Zangoose82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1497B29CACC D014F65D357 - Relicanth82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1496557E79B 19945642358 - Aron82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149D4EFF5BB 1311E2E8359 - Lairon82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1499F727E48 188E88D7360 - Aggron82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149528A0B97 1B7D1DB1361 - Castform82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149BC71207B 319D605F362 - Volbeat82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1496D88B6F9 68D141AB363 - Illumise82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1494BEFDC30 B4192001364 - Lileep82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149A87F5761 834F0FF9365 - Cradily82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149761FA58F 0C669A85366 - Anorith82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149C68621E0 CE91EAF2367 - Armaldo82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149CA880BEE 01C3CE5E368 - Ralts82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1499B8D1405 198957C8369 - Kirlia82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1492BE7AED3 B9751EC5370 - Gardevoir82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1497BC26643 F6351EA3371 - Bagon82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1495CFB59B9 D08C1A10372 - Shellgon82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149F683728D A1CB7A38373 - Salamence82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149662DB4A0 150278A5374 - Metang82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E14972B850FD 79DE57D2375 - Metagross82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149E62FCE6B 99A4823D376 - Regirock82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149CE51186D 3686F6D2377 - Regice82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1496F5F7F3E FEA00143378 - Registeel82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149349C4821 49728D68379 - Kyogre82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1499EFEC4E6 F24D5813380 - Groudon82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149299CE04B 43341CDD381 - Rayquaza82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149C5946A0E 65BE02B0382 - Latias82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149EA642142 26D6E5A6383 - Latios82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E14979870CB0 95729832384 - Jirachi82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149FBC061A9 072FC320385 - Deoxys82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E1498C5DE8C8 A33E9D88386 - Chimecho82FBD860 AE242721313D2BCE 9004E149145A57F6 ADDF1B3ARate Above Submission:12345678910Above submission added on: 6th Aug 2004 | id number: 3109Author: shadow Yoshi | Verify above submission Valid | BogusTick to add to printer friendly selection.Get a bad egg that has PokerussVerified by: VashariBogus Report:Enter the master code:930403081078440A5F944DC604B97176CAD5Note:You must have master balls. If you let it get away, the game freezes.Enter this code:9F133E9CC468This code works about 25% of the time. Either the wild Pokemon will not have any HP, or there will be a question mark like on the pokedex. If it's the question mark, catch it with the master ball. It will say the data has been added to the pokedex. Nickname it ???.Then look at your Pokemon and there will be a bad egg. Look at its summary. It will say it was obtained at the daycare. It will say that it will take a long time to hatch. Try to get it to hatch as quickly as possible by taking a lot of steps. If you let it hatch really late, it will be a Pokemon that you can easily catch, like a zigzagoon or a poochyena. If you make it hatch early, it will be a mystery Pokemon. A mystery Pokemon could be anything like a Jirachi, a Raquaza, one of the regis, a Bulbasaur, or a Mewtwo. Unless you get Mewtwo, it won't completely screw up your game. If you get Mewtwo, turn off the game and leave the egg in the PC. The egg usually (but not always) hatches. So stock up on the bad eggs!Rate Above Submission:12345678910Above submission added on: 1st Aug 2004 | id number: 3068Author: gamefreak625 | Verify above submission Valid | BogusTick to add to printer friendly this outVerified by: javetBogus Report: twidi(m)must be on930403081078440A5F944DC604B97176CAD5Max HPF525820A3AC7F15F8F01AAC3E1178828AFD3E507882A2FD7Max money6CA1F62C27E76C83DA6EA74DNo random battlesDFC60AD25824Enemy Pokemon codeslevel 06FD81D54D4780 HP9F133E9CC468poke ball modefier codeCHOOSE 1 ONLYMaster ball68C35A775559Dive ball6C98587EC7EDmax balls slot 1E9470A237DE1Rate Above Submission:12345678910Above submission added on: 26th Jul 2004 | id number: 3014Author: poke_champ001 | Verify above submission Valid | BogusTick to add to printer friendly selection.Two CastformsVerified by: ArcticDarknessBogus Report: khonnanHow to get two Castforms just go to the Museum in slatport(sorry if the spelling is bad) Use this cheat CE2CCCB25D8D815D to walk through almost anything. Go inside beat all team Magma/Aqua but not the last one(standing in front of guy that gives you Castform walk through the wall next to them, talk to the professer (make sure you have room for two Pokemon) and he will give you Castform then go back through the wall and beat the last team Magma/Aqua person and then the professer will give you a other CastformRate Above Submission:12345678910Above submission added on: 4th Jul 2004 | id number: 2792Author: Game Lord | Verify above submission Valid| BogusTick to add to printer friendly selection.for all u guys like me with out of date v 1.2 or lower gs or anyVerified by: Alex14325, TomK, rmafioso1, javet, cuttboyBogus Report:The thing is that there is no difference between the Action Replay, and the Gameshark. They are the exact same device, just under different names.If any of the "new catch any Pokemon" codes don't work, then your AR is version .2. If atleast one of them work, then it is a version .3.What I'm saying is that the code itself for torchic is wrong, not the cheating device itself.Well, I don't have the correct version code, so I can't really help out too much on that.I have tried out many of the codes for torchic, and most of them work. Route 102 codes work just fine. Problem is that they are a type-6, so they can't be used with any other type-6 codes. The Laveridge egg Modifier worked just fine aswell. You must turn on the enable code to get a wynaut egg, and have the code for torchic on at the same time to change it. You should not have the fast egg hatch code on at this time, as it might screw up your game. You then save, then turn off the game, and turn the other codes off, except for the master code, and turn the fast egg hatch code on.You definatly have a different version. You would have to get the "other codes" for the lower version. I'll post them soon.EDIT: Here they are! For versions .2 of AR, and 1.2 of GS and below.Pokemon Ruby Master Code :9E6AC862 823AB7A846B7D9E4 A709E9E1Pokemon Sapphire Master Code :9E6AC862 823AB7A88365F8FA 817CF3E9Gene Maxed Out (value of 31) for wild Pokémons. NOTE: TYPE-6HP Gene :60C7C028 82820B6FAttack Gene :2CEFA3FD 3A1F566DDefense Gene :871BD5C0 05576B47Speed Gene :04DB5910 0AA12920Special Attack Gene :20DAB881 C1E06EF7Special Defense Gene :6568BC1F 64A183EEAll Genes Maxed out :D95E6845 60A3B6CFUse this code to make ALL your Pokemon catch the Pokerus after a fight.(even if they already caught it) NOTE: TYPE-633969F4A EE0B4CC2Catch Shiny Pokémon. NOTE/WARNING: TYPE-6, AND FREAKY LONG AND DANGEROUS. But it does work! I’ve done it myself.*Step 1 :Turn on the GBA and launch the game without codes.Make sure you have the 1st slot of your *1st* Pokemon's Box free (in the PC).Make sure you have in the 2nd slot of the *1st* Pokemon's Box a PokemonYOU CAUGHT IN THE WILD YOURSELF.!!!!!!IF YOU DON'T HAVE A POKEMON YOU CAUGHT YOURSELF IN THE 2ND SLOT OFTHE 1ST POKEMON'S BOX, THESE CODES WILL MESS YOUR GAME.!!!!!!Turn off the GBA.*Step 2 :Turn on the GBA.Enter these codes in your GSA/AR :7E5D9AF7 D9D32B17C70FC474 E276A5793BC474AA A9392507DEF526FD C01202421DE2A65D C774F615667B915F 86A23D5AC5259E55 27D383AF639B1F5C 1FA26FB524A766C4 73C0AD82Start the game with these codes ON.Load your game.Save your game.Turn off the GBA.*Step 3 :Turn on the GBA.Enter these codes in your GSA/AR :5398D115 E9AE8AFCA90EF609 D2B39D984FDCAF5C 32905BB951BA1E07 C546973F659EC2AF A0A1714C351F1B94 DC32DAAE24BDB599 04A7AE40AEA85451 0DD453FD5662572E C8845667C94EE97E 808029FDStart the game with these codes ON.Load your game.Save your game.Turn off the GBA.*Step 4 :Turn on the GBA and start the game without codes.Load your game.Now look in your PC. You'll see a strange Egg in the 1st slot of the 1stbox. It'll be named "Shiny Hack".DONT'T MOVE IT, DON'T LOOK ITS SUMMARY.Just check it's there. If it isn't, put whatever Pokemon you want in the 1stslot, then move it again to free the 1st slot, then go back to Step 2.Turn off the GBA.**********************************************Now you have created the Shiny Hack Egg. To find Shiny Pokemons, you have tohave it in the PC, in the 1st slot of your 1st box, then do steps 5-6.You won't have to redo steps 1-4, unless you loose the Shiny Hack Egg.If you move this egg, the code following codes will crash the game, andyou'll have to go back to step 1.***********************************************Step 5 :Turn on the GBA.Enter these codes in your GSA/AR :1E1650E3 267CE8CCFD1581BB CD466792EFABCDC7 10C10904Start the game with these codes ON.Load your game.(You'll see your Trainer Name is messed up : don't worry !)Save your game.Turn off the GBA.*Step 6 :Turn on the GBA.Enter these codes in your GSA/AR :D11444FA 2866D302Now the next Pokemon that will be created (wild, egg..) will be always Shiny.THIS ONLY WORKS FOR THE 1ST POKEMON THE GAME CREATES.IF, AFTER THAT, YOU TRY TO ENCOUNTER A WILD POKEMON, CREATE AN EGG (BYBREEDING), MAKE AN EGG HATCH, OR RECEIVE A POKEMON OR AN EGG FROM SOMEONE,THE GAME WILL CRASH!!!It actually means you can :- Find a wild Pokemone ONCE, then save your game.- Receive a Pokemon from someone ONCE, then save your game.- Receive an EGG from someone ONCE, then save your game.- Put 2 Pokemon in the Daycare (to make them breed) then save your game.- Make an EGG hatch, then save your game.Once you've made one of these, you'll see that your Trainer Name's is back tonormal :THAT MEANS THE NEXT TIME THE GAME CREATES A POKEMON, THE GAME WILL CRASH IF YOUHAVE THE CODE ON.So save your game, and turn off the GBA!*Step 7 :Now, if you want to catch more Shiny Pokemon using this code, just redosteps 1-6.Else, if you have finish, do the following :Turn on the GBA.Enter these codes in your GSA/AR :33B0BD02 A96038C82C7461AC 6912B9F8A38D6566 5FE978547B0D49A2 37C8DBF76B985CD3 855A59709F7C6183 C3908197Load your game.Save your game.Turn off the GBA.If you want more shiny Pokemon, just redo steps 5-6.Select personality codes for wild Pokemon. Only works on randomly generated wild Pokemon. NOTE: TYPE-6.Hardy : 85C533B4 E777280CLonely : 0CAF6A9B EA27BA84Brave : A7087215 F874A980Adamant : A42CC56D 3DF4DF4CNaughty : 89224E28 B0D0928CBold : 9BA2EA7F BF343E77Docile : DDD50730 6ED65341Relaxed : 5BA86306 364B284BImpish : 77B82909 4D321507Lax : B96C8F98 0529BB0ATimid : 6B72D649 A850346CHasty : A52EFEF5 5506A2C4Serious : DE9BD9AA B875822BJolly : EDA3BC0C E65B1542Naive : 09F6BE91 6A2662C2Modest : F28DD676 EECDC5A1Mild : 64639370 D15C4427Quiet : EB935861 595B8DB6Bashful : 38F8B9C9 607FE8FARash : A7A5DD65 37566B3BCalm : 049C1F3F 2F043BFBGentle : F3D8252C 9916EF61Sassy : F2C2B934 D5B6C8AECareful : 531ADA3E 040B6679Quirky : C1167B1B 2998D2D4Route 101 mod codes. AGAIN: TYPE-6TREECKORuby : 350A04E5 ED0B0358Sapp : 61329A52 DC3B29D2TORCHICRuby : ADD67E8D 8EA25343Sapp : 2F2F61DB 6293CAEBMUDKIPRuby : BEF2EF5C D134EB04Sapp : 3118DABA CC711782LOTADRuby : FF470D62 C2AC1DAASapp : AFA0F0E5 4B04B46ASEEDOTRuby : D30A9C52 B4C2221FSapp : 8BDD50A7 3438200ESABLEYERuby : 76EBB20A ECD99D4ASapp : D3CA9063 0A8BFD45FEEBASRuby : 14266872 70F47111Sapp : 0DF5412B B0513383LUNATONERuby : 5F8C1594 AD297ED9Sapp : C6AAE556 668EE680SOLROCKRuby : C28721A0 3F021FE6Sapp : FB74DA8A 2C6C94ACMAWILERuby : 3EA55799 D9463B81Sapp : 28486E6F 9CDE6293SEVIPERRuby : 207F86E1 1018C6E3Sapp : 91C406A6 F139E91AZANGOOSERuby : ACC9D960 0C1AA37CSapp : 7013FE0F 7D70A40BLILEEPRuby : 647F6C1E 1179E18ASapp : 22B0BD87 06835E05ANORITHRuby : 97E3DF11 7A6ED392Sapp : 755F0DD4 C03A7748BELDUMRuby : 6A3FAF94 C26712CCSapp : 9EE9A109 3F84A382KYOGRERuby : 8FF000FC 5C91FC03Sapp : 526F6C2B 90F49473GROUDONRuby : 9FBDFC48 097137F5Sapp : C8E3A659 3504483EJIRACHIRuby : 514BB137 3E2DEC8FSapp : 94CDF7F1 C09AB1B0DEOXYSRuby : F75CE939 866081B2Sapp : FBAB6468 6C8201EECHIMECHORuby : DCF6E452 A328CA0CSapp : 5F3B79BD A0B820ECPC items. Thank goodness it isn’t a type 6This first code will change the quantity of the 1st item in your PC to 99 :D261DC6D 197B4DC2MASTER BALLDCEEEC34 AFEADC26FULL RESTOREBCD93AF9 F4436194MAX REVIVEF1E4B273 DEEB52FEMAX ELIXIR80E7D3D5 BD76ED14PP MAXDD222BBD 7BC53755MAX REPEL4B1859E8 55F4A4ABSUN STONE8D143C4D A0D59076MOON STONE03ECCED2 DFABF88AFIRE STONED8BF3A10 EFE695AETHUNDER STONE49304F17 497A0218WATER STONED69733F2 74D9F7E2LEAF STONE307F921F 88F68D63NUGGET1CE1CD65 F2750651SPELON BERRY37CF69EA 0249D54APAMTRE BERRY2F64B1E6 F9F55076WATMEL BERRYBEF29DB1 E99C2124DURIN BERRYF6A2223E 7EA34F23BELUE BERRY00AA4E78 730345E7LIECHI BERRY9A7A2280 1ACFDEABGANLON BERRYAF244E01 1EC62E17SALAC BERRYF4D06523 34D692E1PETAYA BERRY18AA74DF FD4B9C78APICOT BERRY29D53E4C 02C9D38ELANSAT BERRYAEAC1279 6D0A8688STARF BERRY0057DF36 3F097562ENIGMA BERRY44CCC221 FD7BCB53BRIGHT POWDER36578F60 3176988BWHITE HERB436F2A18 BD3B0AD2QUICK CLAW92138196 C60DF1EFCHOICE BAND4A46AB83 750D4E51KING'S ROCKB228CF93 6A47E2DESOUL DEWD30D3BC4 67C93B7EFOCUS BAND269C9267 CD7ADF66LUCKY EGG603EF548 3392BFB1SCOPE LENS6DC8FC0E 49B7016FLEFTOVERS072FEAE0 B85F032EDRAGON SCALE2F026C7A 4C86A1E3LIGHT BALLD69FB735 F76CE563RED SCARFAEBC485B D030EB4ABLUE SCARFCC7ECA9C 0E610930PINK SCARFA0381153 0F029811GREEN SCARF60DD51E3 DA888681YELLOW SCARF9463DE8C 1DFA772EON TICKETE5FC3327 7766DEE9Secret base items. Not a type-6.0Desk (9/10):7BF72194 B86842B37C892365 A2794AD913FBCAAF 631C1E62Chair (9/10):608E0B5F 4157D85C6BB3697A 6F05B36EE1ABA521 89E47446Plant (6/10):78234E2A 1FDF950CE5AE7008 BDA268DB4861D864 810BFC68Ornament (23/30):05C2B20B 25C49AFCA230E3A0 DA65F3B823FBC020 195073058A33B176 E608412353A4B7B7 49D505253AA96B25 D5D730F745530678 7E8FF0893378881E F3E1BDCCMat (18/30):FA6ED2E1 926934B1D22B601F DB99604854356AAF E766226B1EBFE38B 379688377CC718E0 5A1810AEF348D4BF 7325350ABE988B72 364447DF041C923D 54540782Poster (10/10):8239FF03 397D80515DBE9070 3CD261653C4151F6 959EA794Doll (35/40):431E46F8 46A2B605B095A8BA 53DFBE17E9351FD4 61A5AEBCD85E589B 4DFAF9697ACEDB89 49CF85AC12D08368 11BF29F21BC44DE5 C19C9BFAB985C795 AF2DBF9D4C85019D 7269D24929AEEC0C 0207CA49Cushion (10/10):4C6B366A 789FF3BFB7E9F174 D1EF1DB3EB8F570D D787B572Unlock Full Pokédex Codes :E7343B1C 1E9465D803C39BA2 B0541E6685DC5BF3 76315A10Relock Full Pokédex Codes :267905C7 7608FA242C770C00 9DC9D688AEA1B760 4DC4E1C2With this code on, Mirage Island will always be on route 130. NOTE: TYPE-6.61260541 1EB19C53This code will enable Latios/Latias battle on the Southern Island.0332305F 41A5F851This code will allow you to battle Latios/Latias everytime you examinethe "stone" (or egg, or whatever it is) (without this code, you'll encounterLatios/Latias only one time) :7C4D9034 783EE1E6The 1st code sets "on" the flag that says that the egg island event is avaible(that means that you can take the boat to egg island if you have the "EonTicket", and that Latios/Latias will appear if you examine the stone).The 2nd code sets "off" the flag that says that you have already done the stoneisland event (this flag is set on when you examine the egg and encounter Latios/Latias (obvioulsy by using the 1st code I gave you). Once it has been set on,you can't go to Southern Island / encounter Latios/Latias again).I think you must have finished the game for the 1st code to work (or at leastthat you must have gone far enought, so you can already take the boat to go tobattle tower or other places).Feebas always appears on route 119! NOTE: TYPE-611E58406 0C731B08Fast egg hatchWith this code, every step you make will count for 255 steps.That mean eggs will hatch very very fast !D7A2E463 9F64ABFA2 on 2 battle codes.Only make 2 on 2 wild Pokemon Battle :FB089E40 B13D1214120652AF 6372144CFB089E40 B13D1214BE283E95 E6978689NOTE: With this code, stand in grass, then Press R and L together. Within the second, a battle will start, and you will face 2 of the same pokémon. You only need to defeat one, however.Only make 2 on 2 Trainer Pokemon Battle :FB089E40 B13D121469D6B016 FDDD4E2BFB089E40 B13D1214BE283E95 E6978689With this code, you talk to the trainer. When the trainer is blabbing, you press and hold R and L. Keep pressing A to get them to finish talking. Then when the battle starts, let go of R and L when it says “So and so wants to battle”. Then it will be a 2 vs. 2.Laveridge egg code. Not a type 6.Enter this code, and the old lady near the hot springs of Lavaridge willalways give you a Wynaut egg :C6500699 A423FC68Then, have this Type-6 code on when you use the code above at the same time to change the egg from a wynaut egg to the desired species.TREECKORuby : 007A8EFB 8333C31ASapp : D615619E 83460152TORCHICRuby : B68B2511 B21276B0Sapp : 95CC82FE 5AE615AEMUDKIPRuby : 2B6DF22E D3A17F07Sapp : 4860A01E CC12B6CALOTADRuby : 90C046D8 7DC81E6DSapp : 1886462A 47F26F94SEEDOTRuby : 90CEA4E4 0A95E0DBSapp : 9AA87C9E 005798F0SABLEYERuby : 11B87922 F9E3F461Sapp : 20CBDC95 D11B4E99FEEBASRuby : 7FF95F9D F6AC3158Sapp : F3D8C914 AA091F32LUNATONERuby : 6872F4BD 26A18775Sapp : BAC608A9 E2ADF01ASOLROCKRuby : 04FBB279 39BC4C01Sapp : BD614A25 7D4DB649MAWILERuby : 7A727120 2B205860Sapp : C7587D1F C3C8CC54SEVIPERRuby : 3D0B27B9 C611BAABSapp : 8E3FD824 346C0147ZANGOOSERuby : 8D5F2C4A 2636E48CSapp : 1FB080E2 3FF162FFLILEEPRuby : 407B035F F0068FF3Sapp : A68BF102 07AD33D5ANORITHRuby : 7779923E 2E55203BSapp : A095177F 335A8592BELDUMRuby : 78A1DBA8 114DB763Sapp : 3F474497 C68596CBKYOGRERuby : 5AAF8DC9 54A18F25Sapp : DD0F533F FF66B91DGROUDONRuby : BF672F9A 04501F7BSapp : 6081B906 35039F19JIRACHIRuby : 8984A919 05DB5FD8Sapp : 3B9C23AA 52B9626DDEOXYSRuby : 53A374BC 34229860Sapp : D03E9BBE 7030BCE5CHIMECHORuby : 4D1FE127 B0C0656ASapp : B0712B3D 6A574BAFFOR MORE CHEATS GO TO SUPERCHEATS.COM

What is the code for a wild Pokemon modifier for FireRed?

Here it is......................... US Fire 17543C48 E65E0B97 Leaf 594F7021 3B4E81A7 Japanese: Fire 8ED19163 3579E69D Leaf 337BE38E E583889C So if you want a Bulbasaur in Leaf-Jap use: 337BE38E E583889C <-- Leaf-Jap code AD86124F 2823D8DA <-- Bulbasaur code Second line 1 - Bulbasaur AD86124F 2823D8DA 2 - Ivysaur AB84463B B2609644 3 - Venusaur 3542F0A7 7D2E171F 4 - Charmander DB8C60CD 81FD6AA7 5 - Charmeleon 08506D61 55CBD9A8 6 - Charizard A56395D2 8AF46857 7 - Squirtle BCDCB406 2F2FD763 8 - Wartortle 268349C8 63FF53CE 9 - Blastoise 5FD24ABC 1FE3296A 10 - Caterpie 358CC2BF 9BFA3518 11 - Metapod DC725D4E 3A20792F 12 - Butterfree 33EFFB7C E1794F5B 13 - Weedle 9A86D92A 635F8DBC 14 - Kakuna CCEC9F6E 5A2A0F12 15 - Beedrill F3D99280 49F4EEDC 16 - Pidgey 139BBA32 2DC356C8 17 - Pidgeotto 2F7B0F2F 257173EA 18 - Pidgeot 13659B39 95BD80E5 19 - Rattata E5C49E22 47B157F2 20 - Raticate 60C9DC15 1AD9B226 21 - Spearow 2F5D7856 A5F7B4AE 22 - Fearow 23689847 DA918B8D 23 - Ekans A5BA4CFA CA5D771C 24 - Arbok B75D69F0 7C3B3103 25 - Pikachu 9D4A1BFF 05120D39 26 - Raichu CE7B779B AE493550 27 - Sandshrew 7DFC4CBD 20BB83B6 28 - Sandslash CFC711B9 0585971F 29 - Nidoran(F) B6450111 C65005BC 30 - Nidorina 0BA329E0 CEB39484 31 - Nidoqueen C3B010F5 6DB0ED0E 32 - Nidoran(M) A38262A2 825F8CF0 33 - Nidorino 33D5E08A 037AB9C4 34 - Nidoking 82E3DD4B EBFEF864 35 - Clefairy E8EAB84F 26C8AB6B 36 - Clefable D15755D8 AF5BE6F1 37 - Vulpix 276AF592 A3A635CC 38 - Ninetales 27B815E0 B8CCC2DA 39 - Jigglypuff B18AC7E0 E667A184 40 - Wigglytuff 7CEDC4CF F95C5521 41 - Zubat 47596727 51BB292A 42 - Golbat FF3A0DD1 DF54EB13 43 - Oddish EF723724 F31E5F64 44 - Gloom A386B043 9DEB5064 45 - Vileplume 4A2748A4 F888F1C9 46 - Paras EAD30258 3988D84F 47 - Parasect 74CFC9E9 82CD278E 48 - Venonat 0CC56D24 C9F5A33A 49 - Venomoth DFDFFF0A 8919BB28 50 - Diglett BA7199EC 664F9418 51 - Dugtrio BCC0FB44 1A047D3C 52 - Meowth 5F38FD3F 5D7412A3 53 - Persian 0BEC25D3 787468AE 54 - Psyduck 70CEC019 12F0A7B0 55 - Golduck 32E8BC37 7712CF08 56 - Mankey DAAB0C35 55611812 57 - Primeape B82FBCB6 C954F4ED 58 - Growlithe CD7047AB 42D861F2 59 - Arcanine 3099D33C 49E66A04 60 - Poliwag AF0908F3 650FE1BD 61 - Poliwhirl C29C3277 063E67E9 62 - Poliwrath 8DC834CF BFECCA56 63 - Abra 5738CFE5 515C61CF 64 - Kadabra 67CA1286 0E3A5D83 65 - Alakazam C91954D9 68AAD246 66 - Machop 8AD2C8BB EB3D7A39 67 - Machoke 95EFD5EA DD857E98 68 - Machamp 3BF5B7C4 061AAA45 69 - Bellsprout CF2E3B09 3B30426E 70 - Weepinbell 0030C455 4F43BB12 71 - Victreebel 1DF3B8CA DC70EC58 72 - Tentacool 65C4E9C5 24CA1894 73 - Tentacruel 51DDE51A 00DE2CE3 74 - Geodude 399F7170 D519951E 75 - Graveler DDF655E3 9BDEE49C 76 - Golem 103F567C 2F1A9043 77 - Ponyta 877A6953 8F6209F2 78 - Rapidash 195BAD3F C840CA28 79 - Slowpoke 4CEC5478 ACBC593C 80 - Slowbro FE7C44DB 7672B1D8 81 - Magnemite 3C17AEA9 5DC9D705 82 - Magneton B8BD13C5 E3E7D9B3 83 - Farfetch'd 9121060C 74B908E0 84 - Doduo 920BE3C7 3E00359C 85 - Dodrio 02258041 19ABFE29 86 - Seel 8EC19A12 FD47B55F 87 - Dewgong E18D1069 1053E30C 88 - Grimer EB7F9C3F DB3192F5 89 - Muk 729160A9 F8F73577 90 - Shellder 92A2030E 24F19E86 91 - Cloyster FB078533 1A99C72A 92 - Gastly 99B8A848 91759EFF 93 - Haunter 7F14537B 6C00E975 94 - Gengar BA9A9758 4221EBF4 95 - Onix 54D9A0DB 68FC768F 96 - Drowzee C5C4BBBB 55B1B77F 97 - Hypno F4BB6321 8E9265DB 98 - Krabby D83FACC2 7D31E557 99 - Kingler FF0F431F 400EF220 100 - Voltorb ABD2C0C0 FBC68A93 101 - Electrode 0C2333CD 141730A7 102 - Exeggcute 8D2F9E72 8719250B 103 - Exeggutor 744AF614 12D8281B 104 - Cubone D9E3884F 37500E3F 105 - Marowak CB4A8BD1 1D028DA2 106 - Hitmonlee 9EDB950D 454533E5 107 - Hitmonchan 3535FA3A EBECD355 108 - Lickitung F582757C 16122B78 109 - Koffing BF93F87F BC1AB791 110 - Weezing D966DA15 88BBB73A 111 - Rhyhorn 7DA9C8C7 8549C3D4 112 - Rhydon 9071D41E 55259C19 113 - Chansey 17543C48 E65E0B97 114 - Tangela 100D1518 466A2D06 115 - Kangaskhan 8F4BE409 7110788B 116 - Horsea 02401CFF F2742052 117 - Seadra B0160E28 ED6B68EC 118 - Goldeen 29061002 69BB68FF 119 - Seaking 676505B9 904C9DE3 120 - Staryu D7D9A00C 7BFB7AAC 121 - Starmie 0E2752FA 51091446 122 - Mr.Mime 0922D9A2 C1E680BA 123 - Scyther 28BEFBB3 68DE4569 124 - Jynx FB0FC84E D45216CF 125 - Electabuzz 1E6DE7CB DDDBAD78 126 - Magmar C644F8D1 4159A2D6 127 - Pinsir AEFBB853 03F4B721 128 - Tauros 1D5557F2 FACC2BA7 129 - Magikarp 04658924 E67574E2 130 - Gyarados 56156F0A D2F071F2 131 - Lapras 483AC796 E3850B8F 132 - Ditto 3613AA25 2CC1B172 133 - Eevee 4B78A144 F02E1187 134 - Vaporeon D82AEDF5 F23B27A4 135 - Jolteon 1850F0B1 AAFB142F 136 - Flareon AB622741 B3F84F8B 137 - Porygon 6EE60CB5 746DFF03 138 - Omanyte 1DBD6215 4FD65295 139 - Omastar 23F20EC6 1368F543 140 - Kabuto 32A2B3E0 40DB80D9 141 - Kabutops 2058318E 392B7EE5 142 - Aerodactyl C44B6463 DB3237C3 143 - Snorlax E9ADF485 15BE8FA7 144 - Articuno D7B594AF C1DA18AB 145 - Zapdos 83E25054 9C927E5E 146 - Moltres F8DEC3CC A014B094 147 - Dratini 47C69D5D 1AA59D6D 148 - Dragonair 8B3A1FF0 A3C0E786 149 - Dragonite 796E6824 2B208DD5 150 - Mewtwo 4C77BA3F CA4EDCB6 151 - Mew B751BDF4 95CEF4CC Mew will not obey if caught in the wild (without an event) You can still catch it with a Masterball and get a Pokedex Entry. To get an obeying Mew use the Mew in Box 1 Slot 1 Code. 152 - Chikorita 539C7E13 DD795F72 153 - Bayleef 39D823E3 9EB6C9AA 154 - Meganium A2F7F837 7F974DEB 155 - Cyndaquil E4995046 3D00BF91 156 - Quilava B9CCC7BB D4C29E22 157 - Typhlosion B5592578 FBB9A4ED 158 - Totodile 6699EF70 D7B03D43 159 - Croconaw 33C5C90B D46AD9DC 160 - Feraligatr E1F0FEFA D0036CD4 161 - Sentret 6C2D5D5E 008A751F 162 - Furret 2B34A3C7 A829209F 163 - Hoothoot B33DAC5B 29EB7EB5 164 - Noctowl 8E0B9473 A4AE2B53 165 - Ledyba 5F2FD32D 941693B4 166 - Ledian 1CD7078F A7384A34 167 - Spinarak BF975E40 430B4806 168 - Ariados F3D55605 74AE5C52 169 - Crobat 56FC2792 3AEFE3F9 170 - Chinchou D70D1018 A021245F 171 - Lanturn 2D2CC458 21BDD10C 172 - Pichu 90AECEE5 A888F8AE 173 - Cleffa 08C2447D 2096B6AE 174 - Igglybuff D7F35EE0 D224ECDE 175 - Togepi 82269FC8 9579FD5A 176 - Togetic E3581C9B AE652F9A 177 - Natu B635603F B1E81481 178 - Xatu 459823AE 3F1683A4 179 - Mareep 0783E965 C5165BF8 180 - Flaaffy F510A285 5288E291 181 - Ampharos 3CE54322 74A86618 182 - Bellossom F0088391 0C65D5E3 183 - Marill 51EB125F EAA0FCBE 184 - Azumarill E832EF37 64D0E6A2 185 - Sudowoodo DDA1AC43 4A067FAE 186 - Politoed 5C6CD179 E18C31EF 187 - Hoppip B1BC8307 69EF9C2C 188 - Skiploom E32EA0FE CB37FF3B 189 - Jumpluff C03FCFEF 84CB37BA 190 - Aipom A45DFE4F F27A9D8D 191 - Sunkern 165C689B AF94A177 192 - Sunflora 36838BE7 E5367C3A 193 - Yanma E500846E 9A4FF5C7 194 - Wooper 6F071CA9 63FF4902 195 - Quagsire 67375392 E7F55C24 196 - Espeon EF8A105C 72CEF63E 197 - Umbreon EF708FD1 C5E8B000 198 - Murkrow 98F8C8F7 EEA657B9 199 - Slowking 43D2617C C2F14DFB 200 - Misdreavus 2E5E5AEB 22EBF9FF 201 - Unown 10998FB0 656B5C99 202 - Wobbuffet EC4EB940 2C63CA65 203 - Girafarig 41377A90 E36247DE 204 - Pineco 43C3A9BF 477AF067 205 - Forretress 55815067 03B03952 206 - Dunsparce 4F8D48EA 9336834B 207 - Gligar 729F34AB 5B1018D0 208 - Steelix 1FE62E14 130CD2F8 209 - Snubbull 77C7197D 502B8B56 210 - Granbull CF223304 929E964E 211 - Qwilfish C9551136 F45B0236 212 - Scizor F8D4BFAE D2C136F5 213 - Shuckle A94D8CB8 560257D4 214 - Heracross 779D6EBF 3139EFF6 215 - Sneasel C21BA23A 95AB64BD 216 - Teddiursa EDEB2FF0 88466B79 217 - Ursaring 2607FA8F 4BF940FA 218 - Slugma E2899947 9269834F 219 - Magcargo A58E1198 6E004BAD 220 - Swinub F949DADD BBC8B5CD 221 - Piloswine AA68D49C B33C8972 222 - Corsola DDEFF53A EC57A23F 223 - Remoraid A67D580A B44A4DF4 224 - Octillery 78BA5E9D BA836EEB 225 - Delibird BC1FE4EC 9F1818A1 226 - Mantine 3AF8DB31 042E9DF9 227 - Skarmory 92DE3CD4 65C14106 228 - Houndour CABF0A0B B0E620D3 229 - Houndoom D8D99C49 B49D47DC 230 - Kingdra 2B185541 DB13ACF6 231 - Phanpy CBCB02D6 C41FE3F4 232 - Donphan B8A6C516 12ECADE5 233 - Porygon2 04EA10C3 8DB0146F 234 - Stantler 9C0B5F02 A2857BBC 235 - Smeargle 49D7E467 103D0D48 236 - Tyrogue 3D2030E2 B2A0CACE 237 - Hitmontop A357C435 8BC380D1 238 - Smoochum 8C287F7F E3950A6E 239 - Elekid A78E8FFA EDB5DA5C 240 - Magby D77AEB51 E63292DB 241 - Miltank 1A55F1D1 2FCDADEA 242 - Blissey 01EA07BF 793C86F2 243 - Raikou 43FF33D1 F368CDE6 244 - Entei 0C8037A6 BE1D9DB2 245 - Suicune 80755BDB E392B806 246 - Larvitar 2C8E4296 84D8D6E3 247 - Pupitar 8418E051 5C53CE38 248 - Tyranitar 32D66B09 40354103 249 - Lugia 545C676A 51FFDC1C 250 - Ho-oh 437065EF 67DF37EF 251 - Celebi 4AEC27E8 A5FF1540 Okay now Codes for the RS Pokemon are a bit more complicated, The codes are the same sheme but longer: (note: these codes will only work with real AR V3 if you have An updated AR/GSA they will NOT WORK) US Codes Fire-US 022EA6CD 594A7718 D2BF38B5 7E300C38 8343300B ADEF57CA Leaf-US 46E4D9D2 C48C7156 D2BF38B5 7E300C38 EA57D52F 1D29C38E Fire-JP C79B17ED 5164E167 D2BF38B5 7E300C38 3004A5CB 9DFC57E4 Leaf-JP E7B90C81 0B306132 D2BF38B5 7E300C38 0C3EA2E5 8E200416 Example FireUS Grovyle: 022EA6CD 594A7718 D2BF38B5 7E300C38 8343300B ADEF57CA 1AA369E5 72BBA287 252 - Treecko D9FE5FBF B09F0205 253 - Grovyle 1AA369E5 72BBA287 254 - Sceptile 673752FC D4065FA8 255 - Torchic 2F22FB72 D5887213 256 - Combusken 136BD0D6 606187D2 257 - Blaziken FCEF6F25 3905588C 258 - Mudkip A72262EA 7F7FD464 259 - Marshtomp 8EED2DB5 964D67F8 260 - Swampert 1A6BE162 4481A843 261 - Poochyena 7A1769D1 40699C90 262 - Mightyena 4B9FB849 14A5AA94 263 - Zigzagoon F1F00B1F F5B3721A 264 - Linoone EF31EC55 1417DEC6 265 - Wurmple A83BF115 130C3917 266 - Silcoon 2244D1D6 A87DAAB7 267 - Beautifly 6DBB6131 90E40C0A 268 - Cascoon AD5C9BC6 8E3E4C3B 269 - Dustox 7CC9941A A70E2C37 270 - Lotad D4BE7AA5 F9CE65B8 271 - Lombre 9459FC5B 5516BE48 272 - Ludicolo 809DED68 B67856D4 273 - Seedot DCE40F64 D45D202E 274 - Nuzleaf BF87B744 16F7C28C 275 - Shiftry 3C703413 6B8119CC 276 - Taillow BBB05E5B 3A3FDC85 277 - Swellow D0B107DB 027BEBD8 278 - Wingull C963D063 10F5AC28 279 - Pelipper 73285D38 A5A4E2BD 280 - Ralts 86C62F1D 27B0AF88 281 - Kirlia 1A2EEF24 65E331B7 282 - Gardevoir 7D45FD6B BAABF3CF 283 - Surskit 00C9CFD8 65021DD5 284 - Masquerain A14CF5B9 0D7133A1 285 - Shroomish 3F140B0A 5937E9BE 286 - Breloom A32B0FED 60C07CFA 287 - Slakoth 485C366A DA423D56 288 - Vigoroth FEA287AE FFB54BB5 289 - Slaking 5D38F9C5 DAA67938 290 - Nincada 43A8378B 9EF75A96 291 - Ninjask 22DDE250 8D8EC616 292 - Shedinja 52C2D901 7344A4FA 293 - Whismur FBC2DB33 D8FC5AC6 294 - Loudred FE9AF7C9 14FDA298 295 - Exploud 14182A0A 79282B1B 296 - Makuhita 7B801817 11F090AA 297 - Hariyama 4D371C9E 0A2DF533 298 - Azurill 26ADB7EE 91286E09 299 - Nosepass 1442906D 473E0C26 300 - Skitty B4015263 3D8633C6 301 - Delcatty 3088742E D89961FA 302 - Sableye 8D571791 584F1676 303 - Mawile 5F3C63E3 B673BE5E 304 - Aron EEC41DEB 3342969F 305 - Lairon 79BE0284 FA8BF8A0 306 - Aggron 8388E07F 48E67820 307 - Meditite 0E4C4AA5 E7F532D7 308 - Medicham 063E4A1A E5A25573 309 - Electrike 3F5C8201 651A6EFD 310 - Manectric 9AA97665 37DD44B1 311 - Plusle B135B018 4F5665D6 312 - Minun DB37A521 AA84D2C4 313 - Volbeat B86B39BB 97DC88B5 314 - Illumise F75A3D1C 04A663CF 315 - Roselia 23E5A94B D21E7E80 316 - Gulpin A86C4608 9C15E158 317 - Swalot CA12CA9A 91D29CAF 318 - Carvanha A9CF954D E9766F71 319 - Sharpedo E684507C B44D6D05 320 - Wailmer 769A7373 7F6C71B8 321 - wailord 47B99235 3CAC8E1F 322 - Numel AA1264F4 8D3DB4BE 323 - Camerupt 5166F096 A0F21E46 324 - Torkoal 42084D1D C19BB889 325 - Spoink BF9B34C2 D768D3A9 326 - Grumpig 7FD8F8C5 BEAD0097 327 - Spinda CDB2A8AF 7D43F8B7 328 - Trapinch B1088C6F 3E950D4C 329 - Vibrava 4DC25E25 13510F3C 330 - Flygon 911CF1D9 1617CFE7 331 - Cacnea E50B77C1 C220E7C0 332 - Cacturne 5BFC0B46 9DDC0643 333 - Swablu F8AC663C 65487239 334 - Altaria 77BF3639 95EBCE8C 335 - Zangoose F18DC227 1C86F9E4 336 - Seviper 80AFF5CB E67520AD 337 - Lunatone 3F5FE916 3075AF6E 338 - Solrock B277605C 646BAD0D 339 - Barboach B5BCD3CC DB08C2DA 340 - Whiscash 44DD8537 0FACB798 341 - Corphish EFA89FA3 A3E1A789 342 - Crawdaunt 85125B29 D2CE1B37 343 - Baltoy F20AE4A5 8B610FCA 344 - Claydol 5413C7F0 CE1DFBD5 345 - Lileep 461F0590 FCD7E05C 346 - Cradily 15C4B0A5 E98A0379 347 - Anorith E98E6596 D6AFAB27 348 - Armaldo 6BCA1BD9 953420E2 349 - Feebas 6E805A17 D4A84889 350 - Milotic F78C3DA6 F97B5B3D 351 - Castform 06C43F9A 7BD8363C 352 - Kecleon 74154C68 0EF0C16F 353 - Shuppet 8341095A BEE333E8 354 - Banette EC92A4E9 B9482C67 355 - Duskull A2E933B5 2F11EC3E 356 - Dusclops C7A5752A B4204332 357 - Tropius 50C81E21 6119F922 358 - Chimecho 68427D4C A9059985 359 - Absol 84DDB13C BF8191AE 360 - Wynaut CB8303C4 2D5A9910 361 - Snorunt B0C7AEC3 524643FF 362 - Glalie 50020D7B 77627E33 363 - Spheal E52A33D8 9E4152F7 364 - Sealeo 1CAA4FF9 CFBC38AC 365 - Walrein AF5D5782 CEF3B5F2 366 - Clamperl AC4037BF 03D48B47 367 - Huntail 0C724AF3 BA81EAA3 368 - Gorebyss 59D84A8F 121CD813 369 - Relicanth A80E3734 B2245A9B 370 - Luvdisc F12028C4 0328D5DD 371 - Bagon D701EA4F 59B08C77 372 - Shelgon CECF6CF9 AFA8D274 373 - Salamence 2FCB50C0 DBECD9CB 374 - Beldum ACB05D5E 076626E0 375 - Metang BD2BFF8F FE6AA4DB 376 - Metagross CA6230A5 D89220E0 377 - Regirock A72D5514 4128DA3D 378 - Regice 1A2209C5 C0228D4C 379 - Registeel 742ED98D 9B284DFA 380 - Latias 26A5F4EA 772A0B12 381 - Latios 72BAB975 7E4038A8 382 - Kyogre 16AFD4E7 E10BFB55 383 - Groudon 0002FF77 A52C0BAF 384 - Rayquaza C5ECDE5B 0D6B09C8 385 - Jirachi FFF032FD FAF9AFD2 386 - Deoxys 27C35F73 A8E9E879

Related questions

How can I choose a mobile application development company in the UK?

We have been awarded two GSA Contracts, GSA Schedule 66 II Q and GSA Schedule 66 II J. It has enhanced its web site and check out processes to provide ease of browsing and ordering equipment for governmental agencies interested in the GSA Schedule prices. CONTACT US: Commerce Park Professional Center 5309 Technology Dr. Tampa, FL 33647 P: 813.971.5001

Who buys from GSA contracts?

General Service Administration (GSA) Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) contracts (aka GSA Contracts or GSA Schedules) are open to all federal agencies plus some state and local agencies. Check for more information. You can also go to and see what products are available on GSA contracts.

How do you apply for gsa?

If you're talking GSA Schedule or GSA Contract, the following would apply: To get a GSA Contract (aka GSA Schedule, GSA MAS, GSA FSS), you prepare a proposal in response to one of GSA's solicitations. So it is not an application process, it is a proposal process. Therefore, the direct answer to your question is that you submit an acceptable GSA contract proposal in response to one of GSA's Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Solicitations. There is also some good training provided by GSA at their Vendor Support Center. Preparing an acceptable proposal can be a difficult undertaking for those companies which have not responded to many federal proposals in the past. There are many components to the proposal and sometimes the instructions provided in the solicitation are not concise nor located in one place. There are some books which can help you at and; however, many of those books provide more GSA contracting theory than proposal preparation assistance. I know of at least one which provides six direct steps to a gsa proposal, but suggest you review all the possibilities. Additionally, there are a multitude of companies which help businesses prepare acceptable GSA proposals. The pricing for a completely written proposal ranges from a couple of thousand dollars to well over ten thousand dollars. You can also find consulting, webinars and training modules which are offered by some of these companies. The proposal writing process can take up to 100-200 man hours, and GSA takes about 120 days to process proposals.

What is GSA approved?

It probably means you've been awarded a GSA MAS (Multiple Award Schedule) contract. GSA "approves" contractors for different GSA "Schedules" and having a contract number gives you the ability to sell direct to any USG buyer (for transactions above $3000). Here is some technical information from GSA's web site: "Orders placed against GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) contracts, using the procedures in Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 8.4, are considered to be issued using full and open competition (see FAR 6.102(d)(3)). In addition, ordering activities are not required to make a separate determination of fair and reasonable pricing, except for the price evaluation required by FAR 8.405-2(d) when ordering services requiring a statement of work. By placing an order against a GSA Schedule contract, the ordering activity has concluded that the order represents the best value and results in the lowest overall cost alternative to meet the government's needs." For more information see the related links.

Where can one obtain GSA contracts?

GSA contracts can be found at GSA Federal Contracts which offer a listing as well as ways to get the best deal on a GSA contract or at Get Started Up.

If you have your gsa schedule what do we do now?

You'll need to market your contract. If you are a small business, contact the small business utilization office at the different federal agency locations you want to target.

What is the GSA contract?

I understand that you are fresh to the world of federal contracting. You're probably here because you are aware of the lucrative nature of the sector but are unsure of where to begin. What kinds of contracts are there? How can I find a job? How can I promote myself? A contract for commercial technology vendors is the GSA Schedule 70. The American General Services Administration, or GSA, is in charge of awarding these government contracts. Government property and GSA schedule 70 contracting are handled by this division. GSA contracts account for 21% of all contracts issued while also offering quick, adaptable, and economical procurement alternatives. How to find GSA contracts? You may identify government contracts to bid on using a number of databases, including Dynamic Small Business Search (DSBS), the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA), SubNet, and many others. A list of databases is available here. Contracts that complement your company's designation/special status, skills, and historical performance will increase your chances of success. To learn more about DIGITALSPEC, be sure to visit or email us at

When was GSA Sports F.C. created?

GSA Sports F.C. was created in 1992.

What is the hourly rate for a government consultant?

That depends on a number of variables, however the contractors that are able to land a prime position are required to publish their standard rates on a GSA schedule. Rates vary based on labor category, which takes into consideration: The type of work or services to be offered; years of experience; education. To see for yourself, Google "GSA Schedule 70" and click on the GSA link. Select a company and click on the "Terms and Conditions" text document icon, which will lead you to the rates for that company. Note that the published rate for a particular company is not necessarily the rate they charge since rates can vary based on contract.

Federal GSA?

The United States government relies upon several different federal organizations in order to function correctly. While this multitude of different agencies helps America’s government to provide smooth administration to the country, such a large amount of organizations requires extensive maintenance and overseeing. This is where the federal GSA (General Services Administration) comes in. The GSA takes care of the business aspects of the United States’ numerous agencies. For instance, the GSA is responsible for supplying the organizations with their necessary goods, managing their employees and office spaces, and providing their facilities with technological and communication equipment. By taking care of the government’s business aspects, these agencies are able to focus their efforts more strongly on the efficient operation of the United States government. The federal GSA has several tasks that it must take care of. One of the services that is offered through the GSA is the GSA Schedule. Because the federal GSA is responsible for providing government agencies with supplies, they play a large role in nationwide commerce. A GSA Schedule is in essence a contract between a government agency and a vendor with whom the government does frequent business. The contract locks in a certain pricing for a given amount of time (normally five years) in which the government agrees to purchase its goods solely from this vendor. A proposed schedule is usually submitted to multiple vendors, and the GSA then chooses the most attractive offer from these prospective sellers. This allows the government to procure an inexpensive price on the supplies that its agencies need, while the vendors are provided with a steady and reliable source of income. The GSA Schedule process is a very efficient procedure which benefits United States organizations. The Public Building Service is another facet of the federal GSA. This program facilitates the building of many new federal structures, and the GSA manages and oversees the program’s actions. Receiving funding primarily from tax payer dollars and the Federal Building Fund (which is supplied by rent from the federal agencies that utilize buildings owned by the government), the Public Building Service enables buildings to be constructed for the use of various government agencies. This program is also notable for its strong emphasis on using environmentally friendly materials, designs, and building processes in its construction procedures. In fact, the Public Building service is reputed as one of the largest constructors of ’green’ buildings in the entire country.

How do you join GSA on plazma burst?

You can just put the highest GSA rank on your profile page....

Where is it possible to learn about GSA auctions?

It is possible to learn about GSA auctions in a few websites. They would include the official website, GSA and About. One can email the company at the official website.