By law i really don't think so. It does say on the actual game that M games are recommended 15+. Meaning that the child does not have to be 15 to play them. BUT he/she cannot buy the games. So it really depends on what you feel is right. :)
I think that actually letting them play would be a bit sad on the parents behalf. It is exposing them to violence and drugs and so forth that toddlers don't need to experience in their early years of childhood.
Minecraft videos are for entertainment, how to play minecraft and etc.
I don't think it is ILLEGAL to play Private Servers. However, to own a Private Server is illegal.
Options > Videos > Credits
You can't. To play online you need an activated premium account, which costs money. It's also illegal to play with an unlicensed copy of Minecraft, and WikiAnswers will not provide guidance for illegal actions.
If it is the classic version that is free anyway on the site it is not illegal. if it is the proper minecraft that has survival and you download it free it is not illegal BUT it is illegal if you play it without a payed account. just because other people have it it does not make it illegal.
you mean jailbreak it? its illegal
Do not use illegal carts! I will let nintendo know to brick your ds!
You can roll the ball,play peek a boo, play pat a cake, read them books, let the toddler color, let them watch TV, play tag outside, Also ask the toddler what he-she likes to play.
if fantage is not letting you play is becaus eur a erupoen but now u can play
yes the ipod nano can play videos
Parents can ensure the safety of their toddler and baby by closely supervising their interactions, creating a safe play environment, and teaching the toddler gentle and appropriate ways to play with the baby.
Yes it can play videos. You can`t play e-books
No. Not even a prodigy child would be able to play video games at the age of one, simply because they don't have the hand-and-eye coordination that is required to play such games. But it depends on the individual toddler. Some are more mentally developed than others.
Most cellphones record and play videos in a .3gpformat.
delete it
It can play netflix videos if you have a netflix account, buy not dvds
no it isn't illegal to play Pokemon hacks but hacking the game is illegal