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Look at it this way, you could get them both at the same time or, you could get the ring first and get more experience for burning logs until you reach 79 and then get gloves.

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Q: Is it worth getting the ring of fire at level 62 firemaking in runescape or should I wait until I reach level 79 to get flame gloves as well?
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Can you get the runescape stronghold of safety gloves back when you die?

yes you should simply go back to the chest were you got them

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If your account was permanently banned, there is no getting back on. You will have to start over, and too avoid getting banned, do not break the rules of RuneScape.

What is the easiest level to get to 99 in runescape ftp?

Answer: Stop playing runescape. it sucks Answer: The easiest is probably cooking, followed by firemaking. Cooking should cost less than 5 million, even if you cook swordfish at higher levels. Both Smithing and Crafting are pretty fast, too - if you are able to spend several hundred million coins.

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The fastest skill capes to get are fleching, firemaking and cooking. They all take about 2 to 3 weeks if you play 5 to 6 hours a day. Firemaking cost about 4 mil if you buy maples or if you buy yew longs it will cost about 45 mil but you will get to 99 almost 2x faster pales give 135xp and yews give 220xp. Fleching you will loose about 1 mil getting to 75 fleching but when you get there fleching bow strings with yew long bows(U) and you willl make about 10 mil getting to 99 and cooking you should do tuna until about 80 then swordfish tell 95 and then do shark to 99.

Horseriding gloves can?

Stop your hands from getting sores and going red when a horse pulls his head down, and also they give more grip. you should always wear gloves even in the summer i go horseridin and wear gloves.

How many willow logs starting from lvl 30 FM does it take to get 99 FM in runescape?

It takes approximately 1.5m willow logs to get 99 FM starting from 30 firemaking...i recommend doing willows until 50 FM, then buy about 100k maples...and u should be about set =P

How long does 99 defence take on runescape?

The length of getting 99 defence on RuneScape depends on how you train it, how long you train it for etc. You should be more specific. Ex. Do you mean non-stop?

How much firemaking xp per maple log on runescape?

With yew logs (highest-level log for non-members - also the most expensive) you get 202.5 experience each; you can light one every 2.4 seconds. You need some extra time to reload your inventory - it should take about 80 seconds for the full inventory. That's an average of about 68 experience per second, or 240,000 per hour.

Should you use woolen or leather gloves for parkour?

You should not be wearing any gloves.

Can riding gloves give you blisters?

No, only if they are too loose-fitting would they give you blisters. Tight-fitting gloves or gloves that fit your hand just perfect should not give you blisters, as they're supposed to protect your hands from getting blisters, not give blisters.

How can you avoid getting tularemia?

avoiding areas known to harbor ticks and flies, or the appropriate use of insect repellents. Hunters should wear gloves when skinning animals or preparing meat. Others who work with animals or carcasses should always wear gloves.

Do you need gloves to change diaper?

Depends on what kind of person you are. If you don't mind getting a bit of baby poop on your hands once in a while, then no. Most mothers don't mind their own baby's poopy diapers and don't wear gloves. If you can't stand the thought of getting your hands dirty, then you can wear gloves. Keep in mind that you should wash your hands afterwards though!