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yes,yes it is

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Q: Is it possible for a triplet to have twins or triplets?
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How many different DNA triplets are possible?

There are 64 different DNA triplets possible, representing all the combinations of the four nucleotide bases (A, T, C, G) taken three at a time. Each triplet codes for a specific amino acid in the genetic code.

You can have twins and even triplets?

yes you can have twins and triplets, it's a little bit more rare that having just a single birth but still highly possible

How do you use triplet in a sentence?

She gave birth to triplets.

In what season in Full house does Becky have triplets?

She never has triplets. She has twins.

If you have twins will they hit puberty around the same time?

It is possible,but we are all different,even twins and triplets.

Can sheep have twins?

yes, triplets 2... 4 is possible 1in a million though

What are the chances of a female triplet having twins?

I am an identical twin myself, and my wife just had identical triplets. So probably we would not've had twins if I was a singleton. So the chances of us multiples having them is around 1 in 20.....

How do you read a triplet in music?

triplets are usually three notes to a beat.

What comes after triplets there are twins then triplets then what comes after that?

quadruplets (4)

Find sentence have the word 'triplet'?

Yesterday my kindhearted mother gave birth to triplets. triplets - three children born together.

How do you use the word triplet in a sentence?

You use the word triplet in a sentence different ways, depending on which "triplet" you are refering to: A) If you're talking about triplets as in 3 babies born at once, you would use it like this: The TRIPLET gave me some M&Ms, with "triplet" being the pronoun, the same way you would use the word "boy" or the word "girl." B) If you're talking about triplets as in the musical term for three sounds that equal one beat of sound, you would use it like this: The song had eight notes and triplets, with triplets being the noun. Hope I could help! :D

How do you do triplets on Sibelius 6?

Ctrl+3 on the first note you want the triplet of.