Yes its absolutly fine you just get extra stuff and exclusive access to partys! :)
Ok. You have to be a member to do that. Just go to your igloo. Click on the lock if you are a member, then your igloo is on the map. If you are a nonmember, you can't get your igloo to be on the map. YOU HAVE TO BE A MEMBER!
ok, personally, i have a white ipod on club enguin, but there is no code to get it but penguin storm may let you get it when it's in the catalog.
OK please tell me i have no idea
You can't unless you make a new account. OK
I don't know. But I hope Herbert is ok.
you want to play club penguin? Ok
ok it is really easy tell every one ok so go to a penguin named sparkle dash she made club penguin so ya it worked u can get every thing from her u say please to sparkle dash on club penguin she will give it i promise (:
Ok that is a stupid question because you didn't say what room!?!?!?!?!?
Ok. You have to be a member to do that. Just go to your igloo. Click on the lock if you are a member, then your igloo is on the map. If you are a nonmember, you can't get your igloo to be on the map. YOU HAVE TO BE A MEMBER!
Ok. You have to be a member to do that. Just go to your igloo. Click on the lock if you are a member, then your igloo is on the map. If you are a nonmember, you can't get your igloo to be on the map. YOU HAVE TO BE A MEMBER!
Of course it's ok! Club Penguin is actually made for kids that age.
The Mission Is Not Out Yet In Club Penguin In 2010 , OK.
it is only temporary you can get it for. OK, to do it, please download Penguin Magnet from google, it should be plunder, then open it up. When you get the program open, just click Hacks>Become>Member>Yes and you are then a member, but you cannot buy anything though, as it is only temporary. Hope it helped:) Thanks, Fever Cp2
on the homepage there should be a button that gets you to the page where you choose how to pay than you click ok and start paying Hope this helps
because you can.... ok?
Yes. yes it is
You can get one in the catalog if your a member