yes it is legal, so you can play the game even if you lost the UMD.
ask your friend. usually if they play xbox360 its a greater chance. 1 of my fri is selling his for 50 bucks including umds and stuff
The number at the end is the PSP's region which can affect the movie UMDs you can play on it, and PSN availability. One marked as PSP-2000 is a Japanese model, PSP-2001 is the North American model.
Because the PSP E1000 has no wi-fi, you have the following choices, A) Some later UMDs can actually install the latest firmware themselves. B) Connect the console to a PC, you can download the update via the Media GO! tool.
There's no physical difference, the number at the end is the PSP's region which will affect what movie UMDs you can play, and some online features such as the PSN. PSP-2000 is the Japanese regional variant, PSP-2001 is the North American.
You do not need to have a Memory Stick inserted to play games if you have UMDs.
psp go is smaller has internal memory of 16 GB and requires no umds to play games normal psp is bigger requires a memory stick and uses umds to play games see the difference now?
No it does not. Software for the PlayStation Vita is sold on a proprietary PlayStation Vita memory card rather than on Universal Media Discs (UMDs) used by the original PSPs.
No, the PSVita's games look more like memory cards, it does not use UMDs.
No. A UMD uses Read-Only Memory (ROM), which cannot be overwritten.
no it well not have any umds.
You can not play umds however Sony is working on a program to put your umds on to psp go
The PlayStation Portable is the only handheld video game console to use an optical disc format, Universal Media Disc (UMD), as its primary storage medium. They will continue to make UMDs for the PSP model. The PS Vita will use a new proprietary flash memory card called "PlayStation Vita card" rather than on Universal Media Discs (UMDs) used by the original PlayStation Portable
dude seriously what the hell kind of question is that you wont get crap
Depends if all your games will be UMDs, or if you'll use the PlayStation Network. I'd recommend an 8GB memory stick. That gives about a lifetime's space for game save files, and space to have about three PSN games installed (you can delete and redownload PSN games once paid for).
The Ultra Mini Disc is a small CD inserted in the PSP to play games. I think that there were even movies that came in UMDs for the PSP.
PSP Go can only download games and the PSP 3000 can download and play UMDs. If you need to play UMDs then the PSP 3000 is the choice but if that doesnt matter to you then go with the PSP Go.